Source code for runway.config.models.runway._builtin_tests

"""Runway test definition models."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Union, cast

from pydantic import Extra, Field, validator
from typing_extensions import Literal

from .. import utils
from ..base import ConfigProperty

    from typing import Callable

ValidRunwayTestTypeValues = Literal["cfn-lint", "script", "yamllint"]

[docs]class RunwayTestDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a Runway test definition.""" args: Union[Dict[str, Any], ConfigProperty, str] = Field( default={}, title="Arguments", description="Arguments to be passed to the test. Support varies by test type.", ) name: str = Field(default="test-name", description="Name of the test.") required: Union[bool, str] = Field( default=False, description="Whether the test must pass for subsequent tests to be run.", ) type: ValidRunwayTestTypeValues
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" schema_extra = { "description": "Tests that can be run via the 'test' command.", } title = "Runway Test Definition" use_enum_values = True
[docs] def __new__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> RunwayTestDefinitionModel: """Create a new instance of a class. Returns: Correct subclass of RunwayTestDefinition for the given data. """ test_type = kwargs.get("type") if cls is RunwayTestDefinitionModel: if test_type == "cfn-lint": return super().__new__(CfnLintRunwayTestDefinitionModel) if test_type == "script": return super().__new__(ScriptRunwayTestDefinitionModel) if test_type == "yamllint": return super().__new__(YamlLintRunwayTestDefinitionModel) return super().__new__(cls)
# TODO add regex to schema _validate_string_is_lookup = cast( "classmethod[Callable[..., Any]]", validator("args", "required", allow_reuse=True, pre=True)( utils.validate_string_is_lookup ), )
[docs]class CfnLintRunwayTestArgs(ConfigProperty): """Model for the args of a cfn-lint test.""" cli_args: Union[List[str], str] = Field( default=[], title="CLI Arguments", description="Array of arguments to pass to the cfn-lint CLI.", )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra = { "description": "Arguments supported by the cfn-lint test.", } title = "cfn-lint Runway Test Arguments"
# TODO add regex to schema _validate_string_is_lookup = cast( "classmethod[Callable[..., Any]]", validator("cli_args", allow_reuse=True, pre=True)( utils.validate_string_is_lookup ), )
[docs]class CfnLintRunwayTestDefinitionModel(RunwayTestDefinitionModel): """Model for a cfn-lint test definition.""" args: CfnLintRunwayTestArgs = Field( default=CfnLintRunwayTestArgs(), title="Arguments", description="Arguments to be passed to the test.", ) name: str = Field(default="cfn-lint", description="Name of the test.") required: Union[bool, str] = Field( default=False, description="Whether the test must pass for subsequent tests to be run.", ) type: Literal["cfn-lint"] = Field( default="cfn-lint", description="The type of test to run." )
[docs] class Config(RunwayTestDefinitionModel.Config): """Model configuration.""" schema_extra = { "description": "Test using cfn-lint.", } title = "cfn-lint Test"
[docs]class ScriptRunwayTestArgs(ConfigProperty): """Model for the args of a script test.""" commands: Union[List[str], str] = Field( default=[], description="Array of commands that will be run for this test." )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra = { "description": "Arguments supported by the script test.", } title = "Script Runway Test Arguments"
# TODO add regex to schema _validate_string_is_lookup = cast( "classmethod[Callable[..., Any]]", validator("commands", allow_reuse=True, pre=True)( utils.validate_string_is_lookup ), )
[docs]class ScriptRunwayTestDefinitionModel(RunwayTestDefinitionModel): """Model for a script test definition.""" args: ScriptRunwayTestArgs = Field( default=ScriptRunwayTestArgs(), title="Arguments", description="Arguments to be passed to the test.", ) name: str = Field(default="script", description="Name of the test.") required: Union[bool, str] = Field( default=False, description="Whether the test must pass for subsequent tests to be run.", ) type: Literal["script"] = Field( default="script", description="The type of test to run." )
[docs] class Config(RunwayTestDefinitionModel.Config): """Model configuration.""" schema_extra = { "description": "Test using a custom script.", } title = "Script Test"
[docs]class YamlLintRunwayTestDefinitionModel(RunwayTestDefinitionModel): """Model for a yamllint test definition.""" name: str = Field(default="yamllint", description="Name of the test.") required: Union[bool, str] = Field( default=False, description="Whether the test must pass for subsequent tests to be run.", ) type: Literal["yamllint"] = Field( default="yamllint", description="The type of test to run." )
[docs] class Config(RunwayTestDefinitionModel.Config): """Model configuration.""" schema_extra = { "description": "Test using yamllint.", } title = "yamllint Test"