Source code for runway.config

"""CFNgin config."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from string import Template
from typing import (

import yaml

from ..cfngin import exceptions
from ..cfngin.lookups.registry import register_lookup_handler
from ..cfngin.utils import SourceProcessor
from ..exceptions import ConfigNotFound
from ..utils import merge_dicts
from .components.runway import (
from .models.cfngin import (
from .models.runway import RunwayConfigDefinitionModel, RunwayFutureDefinitionModel

    from packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet
    from pydantic import BaseModel

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseConfig: """Base class for configurations.""" file_path: Path _data: BaseModel
[docs] def __init__(self, data: BaseModel, *, path: Optional[Path] = None) -> None: """Instantiate class. Args: data: The data model of the config file. path: Path to the config file. """ self._data = data.copy() self.file_path = path.resolve() if path else Path.cwd()
[docs] def dump( self, *, by_alias: bool = False, exclude: Optional[ Union[AbstractSet[Union[int, str]], Mapping[Union[int, str], Any]] ] = None, exclude_defaults: bool = False, exclude_none: bool = False, exclude_unset: bool = True, include: Optional[ Union[AbstractSet[Union[int, str]], Mapping[Union[int, str], Any]] ] = None, ) -> str: """Dump model to a YAML string. Args: by_alias: Whether field aliases should be used as keys in the returned dictionary. exclude: Fields to exclude from the returned dictionary. exclude_defaults: Whether fields which are equal to their default values (whether set or otherwise) should be excluded from the returned dictionary. exclude_none: Whether fields which are equal to None should be excluded from the returned dictionary. exclude_unset: Whether fields which were not explicitly set when creating the model should be excluded from the returned dictionary. include: Fields to include in the returned dictionary. """ return yaml.dump( self._data.dict( by_alias=by_alias, exclude=exclude, # type: ignore exclude_defaults=exclude_defaults, exclude_none=exclude_none, exclude_unset=exclude_unset, include=include, # type: ignore ), default_flow_style=False, )
[docs] @classmethod def find_config_file(cls, path: Path) -> Optional[Path]: """Find a config file in the provided path. Args: path: The path to search for a config file. """ raise NotImplementedError # cov: ignore
[docs]class CfnginConfig(BaseConfig): """Python representation of a CFNgin config file. This is used internally by CFNgin to parse and validate a YAML formatted CFNgin configuration file, but can also be used in scripts to generate a CFNgin config file before handing it off to CFNgin to deploy/destroy. Example:: from runway.cfngin.config import dump, Config, Stack vpc = Stack({ "name": "vpc", "class_path": "blueprints.VPC"}) config = Config() config.namespace = "prod" config.stacks = [vpc] print dump(config) """ EXCLUDE_REGEX = r"runway(\..*)?\.(yml|yaml)" """Regex for file names to exclude when looking for config files.""" EXCLUDE_LIST = ["bitbucket-pipelines.yml", "buildspec.yml", "docker-compose.yml"] """Explicit files names to ignore when looking for config files.""" cfngin_bucket: Optional[str] """Bucket to use for CFNgin resources. (e.g. CloudFormation templates). May be an empty string. """ cfngin_bucket_region: Optional[str] """Explicit region to use for :attr:`CfnginConfig.cfngin_bucket`""" cfngin_cache_dir: Path """Local directory to use for caching.""" log_formats: Dict[str, str] """Custom formatting for log messages.""" lookups: Dict[str, str] """Register custom lookups.""" mappings: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] """Mappings that will be added to all stacks.""" namespace: str """Namespace to prepend to everything.""" namespace_delimiter: str """Character used to separate :attr:`CfnginConfig.namespace` and anything it prepends.""" package_sources: CfnginPackageSourcesDefinitionModel """Remote source locations.""" persistent_graph_key: Optional[str] = None """S3 object key were the persistent graph is stored.""" post_deploy: List[CfnginHookDefinitionModel] """Hooks to run after a deploy action.""" post_destroy: List[CfnginHookDefinitionModel] """Hooks to run after a destroy action.""" pre_deploy: List[CfnginHookDefinitionModel] """Hooks to run before a deploy action.""" pre_destroy: List[CfnginHookDefinitionModel] """Hooks to run before a destroy action.""" service_role: Optional[str] """IAM role for CloudFormation to use.""" stacks: List[CfnginStackDefinitionModel] """Stacks to be processed.""" sys_path: Optional[Path] """Relative or absolute path to use as the work directory.""" tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] """Tags to apply to all resources.""" template_indent: int """Spaces to use per-indent level when outputting a template to json.""" _data: CfnginConfigDefinitionModel
[docs] def __init__( self, data: CfnginConfigDefinitionModel, *, path: Optional[Path] = None, work_dir: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> None: """Instantiate class. Args: data: The data model of the config file. path: Path to the config file. work_dir: Working directory. """ super().__init__(data, path=path) self.cfngin_bucket = self._data.cfngin_bucket self.cfngin_bucket_region = self._data.cfngin_bucket_region if self._data.cfngin_cache_dir: self.cfngin_cache_dir = self._data.cfngin_cache_dir elif work_dir: self.cfngin_cache_dir = work_dir / "cache" elif path: self.cfngin_cache_dir = path.parent / ".runway" / "cache" else: self.cfngin_cache_dir = Path().cwd() / ".runway" / "cache" self.log_formats = self._data.log_formats self.lookups = self._data.lookups self.mappings = self._data.mappings self.namespace = self._data.namespace self.namespace_delimiter = self._data.namespace_delimiter self.package_sources = self._data.package_sources self.persistent_graph_key = self._data.persistent_graph_key self.post_deploy = cast(List[CfnginHookDefinitionModel], self._data.post_deploy) self.post_destroy = cast( List[CfnginHookDefinitionModel], self._data.post_destroy ) self.pre_deploy = cast(List[CfnginHookDefinitionModel], self._data.pre_deploy) self.pre_destroy = cast(List[CfnginHookDefinitionModel], self._data.pre_destroy) self.service_role = self._data.service_role self.stacks = cast(List[CfnginStackDefinitionModel], self._data.stacks) self.sys_path = self._data.sys_path self.tags = self._data.tags self.template_indent = self._data.template_indent
[docs] def load(self) -> None: """Load config options into the current environment/session.""" if self.sys_path: LOGGER.debug("appending to sys.path: %s", self.sys_path) sys.path.append(str(self.sys_path)) LOGGER.debug("sys.path: %s", sys.path) if self.lookups: for key, handler in self.lookups.items(): register_lookup_handler(key, handler)
[docs] @classmethod def find_config_file( # type: ignore pylint: disable=arguments-differ cls, path: Optional[Path] = None, *, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> List[Path]: """Find a config file in the provided path. Args: path: The path to search for a config file. exclude: List of file names to exclude. This list is appended to the global exclude list. Raises: ConfigNotFound: Could not find a config file in the provided path. ValueError: More than one config file found in the provided path. """ if not path: path = Path.cwd() elif path.is_file(): return [path] exclude = exclude or [] result: List[Path] = [] exclude.extend(cls.EXCLUDE_LIST) yml_files = list(path.glob("*.yml")) yml_files.extend(list(path.glob("*.yaml"))) for f in yml_files: if ( re.match(cls.EXCLUDE_REGEX, or in exclude or".") ): continue # cov: ignore result.append(f) result.sort() return result
[docs] @classmethod def parse_file( cls, *, path: Optional[Path] = None, file_path: Optional[Path] = None, parameters: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None, work_dir: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> CfnginConfig: """Parse a YAML file to create a config object. Args: path: The path to search for a config file. file_path: Exact path to a file to parse. parameters: Values to use when resolving a raw config. work_dir: Explicit working directory. Raises: ConfigNotFound: Provided config file was not found. """ if file_path: if not file_path.is_file(): raise ConfigNotFound(path=file_path) return cls.parse_raw( file_path.read_text(), path=file_path, parameters=parameters or {}, work_dir=work_dir, **kwargs, ) if path: found = cls.find_config_file(path) if len(found) > 1: raise ValueError(f"more than one config files found: {found}") return cls.parse_file( file_path=found[0], parameters=parameters or {}, work_dir=work_dir, **kwargs, ) raise ValueError("must provide path or file_path")
[docs] @classmethod def parse_obj( cls, obj: Any, *, path: Optional[Path] = None, work_dir: Optional[Path] = None ) -> CfnginConfig: """Parse a python object. Args: obj: A python object to parse as a CFNgin config. path: The path to the config file that was parsed into the object. work_dir: Working directory. """ return cls( CfnginConfigDefinitionModel.parse_obj(obj), path=path, work_dir=work_dir )
[docs] @classmethod def parse_raw( cls, data: str, *, parameters: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None, path: Optional[Path] = None, skip_package_sources: bool = False, work_dir: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> CfnginConfig: """Parse raw data. Args: data: The raw data to parse. parameters: Values to use when resolving a raw config. path: The path to search for a config file. skip_package_sources: Skip processing package sources. work_dir: Explicit working directory. """ if not parameters: parameters = {} pre_rendered = cls.resolve_raw_data(data, parameters=parameters) if skip_package_sources: return cls.parse_obj(yaml.safe_load(pre_rendered)) config_dict = yaml.safe_load( cls.process_package_sources( pre_rendered, parameters=parameters, work_dir=work_dir ) ) return cls.parse_obj(config_dict, path=path)
[docs] @classmethod def process_package_sources( cls, raw_data: str, *, parameters: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None, work_dir: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> str: """Process the package sources defined in a rendered config. Args: raw_data: Raw configuration data. cache_dir: Directory to use when caching remote sources. parameters: Values to use when resolving a raw config. work_dir: Explicit working directory. """ config = yaml.safe_load(raw_data) or {} processor = SourceProcessor( sources=CfnginPackageSourcesDefinitionModel.parse_obj( config.get("package_sources", {}) # type: ignore ), cache_dir=Path( config.get( "cfngin_cache_dir", (work_dir or Path().cwd() / ".runway") / "cache" ) ), ) processor.get_package_sources() if processor.configs_to_merge: for i in processor.configs_to_merge: LOGGER.debug("merging in remote config: %s", i) with open(i, "rb") as opened_file: config = merge_dicts(yaml.safe_load(opened_file), config) return cls.resolve_raw_data(yaml.dump(config), parameters=parameters or {}) return raw_data
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_raw_data( raw_data: str, *, parameters: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None ) -> str: """Resolve raw data. Args: raw_data: Raw configuration data. parameters: Values to use when resolving a raw config. Raises: MissingEnvironment: A value required by the config was not provided in parameters. """ if not parameters: parameters = {} template = Template(raw_data) try: rendered = template.substitute(**parameters) except KeyError as err: raise exceptions.MissingEnvironment(err.args[0]) from None except ValueError: rendered = template.safe_substitute(**parameters) return rendered
[docs]class RunwayConfig(BaseConfig): """Python representation of a Runway config file.""" ACCEPTED_NAMES = ["runway.yml", "runway.yaml"] deployments: List[RunwayDeploymentDefinition] file_path: Path future: RunwayFutureDefinitionModel ignore_git_branch: bool runway_version: Optional[SpecifierSet] tests: List[RunwayTestDefinition[Any]] variables: RunwayVariablesDefinition _data: RunwayConfigDefinitionModel
[docs] def __init__( self, data: RunwayConfigDefinitionModel, *, path: Optional[Path] = None ) -> None: """Instantiate class. Args: data: The data model of the config file. path: Path to the config file. """ super().__init__(data, path=path) self.deployments = [ RunwayDeploymentDefinition(d) for d in self._data.deployments ] self.future = self._data.future self.ignore_git_branch = self._data.ignore_git_branch self.runway_version = self._data.runway_version self.tests = [RunwayTestDefinition(t) for t in self._data.tests] self.variables = RunwayVariablesDefinition(self._data.variables)
[docs] @classmethod def find_config_file(cls, path: Path) -> Path: """Find a config file in the provided path. Args: path: The path to search for a config file. Raises: ConfigNotFound: Could not find a config file in the provided path. ValueError: More than one config file found in the provided path. """ match = list(path.glob("runway.y*")) if not match or all( not in cls.ACCEPTED_NAMES for f in match): match = list(path.parent.glob("runway.y*")) found = [f for f in match if f.is_file() and in cls.ACCEPTED_NAMES] if not found: raise ConfigNotFound(looking_for=cls.ACCEPTED_NAMES, path=path) if len(found) != 1: raise ValueError(f"more than one config files found: {found}") return found[0]
[docs] @classmethod def parse_file( cls, *, path: Optional[Path] = None, file_path: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> RunwayConfig: """Parse a YAML file to create a config object. Args: path: The path to search for a config file. file_path: Exact path to a file to parse. Raises: ConfigNotFound: Provided config file was not found. ValueError: path and file_path were both excluded. """ if file_path: if not file_path.is_file(): raise ConfigNotFound(path=file_path) return cls.parse_obj( yaml.safe_load(file_path.read_text()), path=file_path, **kwargs ) if path: return cls.parse_file(file_path=cls.find_config_file(path), **kwargs) raise ValueError("must provide path or file_path")
[docs] @classmethod def parse_obj(cls, obj: Any, *, path: Optional[Path] = None) -> RunwayConfig: """Parse a python object into a config object. Args: obj: The object to be parsed. path: Path to the file the object was parsed from. """ return cls(RunwayConfigDefinitionModel.parse_obj(obj), path=path)