Source code for runway.config.models.runway

"""Runway config models."""

# pylint: disable=no-self-argument
from __future__ import annotations

import locale
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import yaml
from packaging.specifiers import InvalidSpecifier, SpecifierSet
from pydantic import Extra, Field, Protocol, root_validator, validator
from typing_extensions import Literal

from .. import utils
from ..base import ConfigProperty
from ._builtin_tests import (

    from pydantic import BaseModel

    Model = TypeVar("Model", bound=BaseModel)

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

RunwayEnvironmentsType = Dict[str, Union[bool, List[str], str]]
RunwayEnvironmentsUnresolvedType = Union[Dict[str, Union[bool, List[str], str]], str]
RunwayEnvVarsType = Dict[str, Union[List[str], str]]
RunwayEnvVarsUnresolvedType = Union[RunwayEnvVarsType, str]
RunwayModuleTypeTypeDef = Literal[
    "cdk", "cloudformation", "kubernetes", "serverless", "static", "terraform"

__all__ = [

[docs]class RunwayAssumeRoleDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a Runway assume role definition.""" arn: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, title="IAM Role ARN", description="The ARN of the AWS IAM role to be assumed. (supports lookups)", ) duration: Union[int, str] = Field( default=3600, description="The duration, in seconds, of the role session. (supports lookups)", ge=900, # applies to int json schema only le=43_200, # applies to int json schema only regex=RUNWAY_LOOKUP_STRING_REGEX, # applies to str json schema only ) post_deploy_env_revert: bool = Field( default=False, title="Post Deployment Environment Revert", description="Revert the credentials stored in environment variables to " "what they were prior to execution after the deployment finished processing. " "(supports lookups)", ) session_name: str = Field( default="runway", description="An identifier for the assumed role session. (supports lookups)", )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra: Dict[str, Any] = { "description": "Used to defined a role to assume while Runway is " "processing each module.", "examples": [ {"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/name"}, { "arn": "${var role_arn.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", "duration": 9001, "post_deploy_env_revert": True, "session_name": "runway-example", }, ], } title = "Runway Deployment.assume_role Definition"
@validator("arn") def _convert_arn_null_value(cls, v: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Convert a "nul" string into type(None).""" null_strings = ["null", "none", "undefined"] return None if isinstance(v, str) and v.lower() in null_strings else v @validator("duration", pre=True) def _validate_duration(cls, v: Union[int, str]) -> Union[int, str]: """Validate duration is within the range allowed by AWS.""" if isinstance(v, str): return v if v < 900: raise ValueError("duration must be greater than or equal to 900") if v > 43_200: raise ValueError("duration must be less than or equal to 43,200") return v _validate_string_is_lookup = cast( "classmethod[Callable[..., Any]]", validator("duration", allow_reuse=True, pre=True)( utils.validate_string_is_lookup ), )
[docs]class RunwayDeploymentRegionDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a Runway deployment region definition.""" parallel: Union[List[str], str] = Field( ..., title="Parallel Regions", description="An array of AWS Regions to process asynchronously. (supports lookups)", )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra: Dict[str, Any] = { "description": "Only supports 'parallel' field.", "examples": [ {"parallel": ["us-east-1", "us-east-2"]}, {"parallel": "${var regions.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}"}, ], } title = "Runway Deployment.regions Definition"
_validate_string_is_lookup = cast( "classmethod[Callable[..., Any]]", validator("parallel", allow_reuse=True, pre=True)( utils.validate_string_is_lookup ), )
[docs]class RunwayDeploymentDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a Runway deployment definition.""" account_alias: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="Used to verify the currently assumed role or credentials. " "(supports lookups)", examples=["example-alias", "${var alias.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}"], ) account_id: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="Used to verify the currently assumed role or credentials. " "(supports lookups)", examples=["123456789012", "${var id.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}"], ) assume_role: Union[str, RunwayAssumeRoleDefinitionModel] = Field( default={}, description="Assume a role when processing the deployment. (supports lookups)", examples=["arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/name"] + cast( List[Any], RunwayAssumeRoleDefinitionModel.Config.schema_extra["examples"] ), ) env_vars: RunwayEnvVarsUnresolvedType = Field( default={}, title="Environment Variables", description="Additional variables to add to the environment when " "processing the deployment. (supports lookups)", examples=[ "${var env_vars.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", { "EXAMPLE_VARIABLE": "value", "KUBECONFIG": [".kube", "${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}", "config"], }, ], ) environments: RunwayEnvironmentsUnresolvedType = Field( default={}, description="Explicitly enable/disable the deployment for a specific " "deploy environment, AWS Account ID, and AWS Region combination. " "Can also be set as a static boolean value. (supports lookups)", examples=[ "${var envs.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", {"dev": "123456789012", "prod": "us-east-1"}, {"dev": True, "prod": False}, {"dev": ["us-east-1"], "prod": ["us-west-2", "ca-central-1"]}, { "dev": ["123456789012/us-east-1", "123456789012/us-west-2"], "prod": ["234567890123/us-east-1", "234567890123/us-west-2"], }, ], ) modules: List[RunwayModuleDefinitionModel] = Field( ..., description="An array of modules to process as part of a deployment." ) module_options: Union[Dict[str, Any], str] = Field( default={}, description="Options that are passed directly to the modules within this deployment. " "(supports lookups)", examples=[ "${var sampleapp.options.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", {"some_option": "value"}, ], ) name: str = Field( default="unnamed_deployment", description="The name of the deployment to be displayed in logs and the " "interactive selection menu.", ) parallel_regions: Union[List[str], str] = Field( default=[], description="An array of AWS Regions to process asynchronously. (supports lookups)", examples=[ ["us-east-1", "us-west-2"], "${var regions.${dev DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", ], ) parameters: Union[Dict[str, Any], str] = Field( default={}, description="Used to pass variable values to modules in place of an " "environment configuration file. (supports lookups)", examples=[ {"namespace": "example-${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}"}, "${var sampleapp.parameters.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", ], ) regions: Union[List[str], str] = Field( default=[], description="An array of AWS Regions to process this deployment in. (supports lookups)", examples=[ ["us-east-1", "us-west-2"], "${var regions.${dev DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", ] + RunwayDeploymentRegionDefinitionModel.Config.schema_extra["examples"], )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid title = "Runway Deployment Definition"
[docs] @staticmethod def schema_extra(schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # type: ignore """Process the schema after it has been generated. Schema is modified in place. Return value is ignored. """ schema["description"] = ( "A collection of modules, regions, and other configurations to deploy." ) # modify schema to allow simple string or mapping definition for a module module_ref = schema["properties"]["modules"]["items"].pop("$ref") schema["properties"]["modules"]["items"]["anyOf"] = [ {"$ref": module_ref}, {"type": "string"}, ]
@root_validator(pre=True) def _convert_simple_module(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert simple modules to dicts.""" modules = values.get("modules", []) result: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for module in modules: if isinstance(module, str): result.append({"path": module}) else: result.append(module) values["modules"] = result return values @root_validator(pre=True) def _validate_regions(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Validate & simplify regions.""" raw_regions = values.get("regions", []) parallel_regions = values.get("parallel_regions", []) if all(isinstance(i, str) for i in [raw_regions, parallel_regions]): raise ValueError( "unable to validate parallel_regions/regions - both are defined as strings" ) if any(isinstance(i, str) for i in [raw_regions, parallel_regions]): return values # one is a lookup so skip the remainder of the checks if isinstance(raw_regions, list): regions = raw_regions else: regions = RunwayDeploymentRegionDefinitionModel.parse_obj(raw_regions) if regions and parallel_regions: raise ValueError("only one of parallel_regions or regions can be defined") if not regions and not parallel_regions: raise ValueError("either parallel_regions or regions must be defined") if isinstance(regions, RunwayDeploymentRegionDefinitionModel): values["regions"] = [] values["parallel_regions"] = regions.parallel return values _validate_string_is_lookup = cast( "classmethod[Callable[..., Any]]", validator( "env_vars", "environments", "module_options", "parallel_regions", "parameters", "regions", allow_reuse=True, pre=True, )(utils.validate_string_is_lookup), )
[docs]class RunwayFutureDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for the Runway future definition."""
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra = { "description": "Enable features/behaviors that will be become standard " "ahead of their official release." } title = "Runway Future Definition"
[docs]class RunwayModuleDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a Runway module definition.""" class_path: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="Import path to a custom Runway module class. (supports lookups)", ) env_vars: RunwayEnvVarsUnresolvedType = Field( default={}, title="Environment Variables", description="Additional variables to add to the environment when " "processing the deployment. (supports lookups)", examples=[ "${var env_vars.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", { "EXAMPLE_VARIABLE": "value", "KUBECONFIG": [".kube", "${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}", "config"], }, ], ) environments: RunwayEnvironmentsUnresolvedType = Field( default={}, description="Explicitly enable/disable the deployment for a specific " "deploy environment, AWS Account ID, and AWS Region combination. " "Can also be set as a static boolean value. (supports lookups)", examples=[ "${var envs.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", {"dev": "123456789012", "prod": "us-east-1"}, {"dev": True, "prod": False}, {"dev": ["us-east-1"], "prod": ["us-west-2", "ca-central-1"]}, { "dev": ["123456789012/us-east-1", "123456789012/us-west-2"], "prod": ["234567890123/us-east-1", "234567890123/us-west-2"], }, ], ) name: str = Field( default="undefined", description="The name of the module to be displayed in logs and the " "interactive selection menu.", ) options: Union[Dict[str, Any], str] = Field( default={}, description="Module type specific options. (supports lookups)" ) parameters: Union[Dict[str, Any], str] = Field( default={}, description="Used to pass variable values to modules in place of an " "environment configuration file. (supports lookups)", examples=[ {"namespace": "example-${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}"}, "${var sampleapp.parameters.${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}}", ], ) path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = Field( default=None, description="Directory (relative to the Runway config file) containing IaC. " "(supports lookups)", examples=["./", "sampleapp-${env DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}.cfn", "sampleapp.sls"], ) tags: List[str] = Field( default=[], description="Array of values to categorize the module which can be used " "with the CLI to quickly select a group of modules. " "This field is only used by the `--tag` CLI option.", examples=[["type:network", "app:sampleapp"]], ) type: Optional[RunwayModuleTypeTypeDef] = None # needs to be last parallel: List[RunwayModuleDefinitionModel] = Field( default=[], description="Array of module definitions that can be executed asynchronously. " "Incompatible with class_path, path, and type.", examples=[[{"path": "sampleapp-01.cfn"}, {"path": "sampleapp-02.cfn"}]], )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra = { "description": "Defines a directory containing IaC, " "the parameters to pass in during execution, " "and any applicable options for the module type.", } title = "Runway Module Definition" use_enum_values = True
@root_validator(pre=True) def _validate_name(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Validate module name.""" if "name" in values: return values if "parallel" in values: values["name"] = "parallel_parent" return values if "path" in values: values["name"] = Path(values["path"]).resolve().name return values return values @root_validator(pre=True) def _validate_path(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Validate path and sets a default value if needed.""" if not values.get("path") and not values.get("parallel"): values["path"] = Path.cwd() return values @validator("parallel", pre=True) def _validate_parallel( cls, v: List[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]], values: Dict[str, Any] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Validate parallel.""" if v and values.get("path"): raise ValueError("only one of parallel or path can be defined") result: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for mod in v: if isinstance(mod, str): result.append({"path": mod}) else: result.append(mod) return result # TODO add regex to schema _validate_string_is_lookup = cast( "classmethod[Callable[..., Any]]", validator( "env_vars", "environments", "options", "parameters", allow_reuse=True, pre=True, )(utils.validate_string_is_lookup), )
# RunwayModuleDefinitionModel.update_forward_refs()
[docs]class RunwayVariablesDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a Runway variable definition.""" file_path: Optional[Path] = Field( default=None, title="Variables File Path", description="Explicit path to a variables file that will be loaded and " "merged with the variables defined here.", ) sys_path: Path = Field( default="./", description="Directory to use as the root of a relative 'file_path'. " "If not provided, the current working directory is used.", )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.allow schema_extra = { "description": "A variable definitions for the Runway config file. " "This is used to resolve the 'var' lookup.", } title = "Runway Variables Definition"
_convert_null_values = cast( "classmethod[Callable[..., Any]]", validator("*", allow_reuse=True)(utils.convert_null_values), )
[docs]class RunwayVersionField(SpecifierSet): """Extends packaging.specifiers.SpecifierSet for use with pydantic."""
[docs] @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> Generator[Callable[..., Any], None, None]: """Yield one of more validators with will be called to validate the input. Each validator will receive, as input, the value returned from the previous validator. """ yield cls._convert_value
[docs] @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Mutate the field schema in place. This is only called when output JSON schema from a model. """ field_schema.update(type="string") # cov: ignore
@classmethod def _convert_value(cls, v: Union[str, SpecifierSet]) -> RunwayVersionField: """Convert runway_version string into SpecifierSet with some value handling. Args: v: The value to be converted/validated. Raises: ValueError: The provided value is not a valid version specifier set. """ if isinstance(v, (cls, SpecifierSet)): return RunwayVersionField(str(v), prereleases=True) try: return RunwayVersionField(v, prereleases=True) except InvalidSpecifier: if any(v.startswith(i) for i in ["!", "~", "<", ">", "="]): raise ValueError(f"{v} is not a valid version specifier set") from None LOGGER.debug( "runway_version is not a valid version specifier; trying as an exact version", exc_info=True, ) return RunwayVersionField("==" + v, prereleases=True)
[docs]class RunwayConfigDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Runway configuration definition model.""" deployments: List[RunwayDeploymentDefinitionModel] = Field( default=[], description="Array of Runway deployments definitions." ) future: RunwayFutureDefinitionModel = RunwayFutureDefinitionModel() ignore_git_branch: bool = Field( default=False, description="Optionally exclude the git branch name when determining the " "current deploy environment.", ) runway_version: Optional[RunwayVersionField] = Field( default=">1.10", description="Define the versions of Runway that can be used with this " "configuration file.", examples=['"<2.0.0"', '"==1.14.0"', '">=1.14.0,<2.0.0"'], ) tests: List[RunwayTestDefinitionModel] = Field( default=[], description="Array of Runway test definitions that are executed with the 'test' command.", ) variables: RunwayVariablesDefinitionModel = RunwayVariablesDefinitionModel()
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra = { "description": "Configuration file for use with Runway.", } title = "Runway Configuration File" validate_all = True validate_assignment = True
@root_validator(pre=True) def _add_deployment_names(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Add names to deployments that are missing them.""" deployments = values.get("deployments", []) for i, deployment in enumerate(deployments): if not deployment.get("name"): deployment["name"] = f"deployment_{i + 1}" values["deployments"] = deployments return values
[docs] @classmethod def parse_file( cls: Type[Model], path: Union[str, Path], *, content_type: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = "utf8", proto: Optional[Protocol] = None, allow_pickle: bool = False, ) -> Model: """Parse a file.""" return cast( "Model", cls.parse_raw( Path(path).read_text( encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale=False) ), content_type=content_type, # type: ignore encoding=encoding, proto=proto, # type: ignore allow_pickle=allow_pickle, ), )
[docs] @classmethod def parse_raw( cls: Type[Model], b: Union[bytes, str], *, content_type: Optional[str] = None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument encoding: str = "utf8", # pylint: disable=unused-argument proto: Optional[Protocol] = None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument allow_pickle: bool = False, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Model: """Parse raw data.""" return cast("Model", cls.parse_obj(yaml.safe_load(b)))
# RunwayDeploymentDefinitionModel.update_forward_refs()