Source code for runway.config.models.cfngin._package_sources

"""CFNgin package source models."""

# pylint: disable=no-self-argument
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from pydantic import Extra, Field, root_validator

from ..base import ConfigProperty

[docs]class GitCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a git package source definition. Package source located in a git repository. Attributes: branch: Branch name. commit: Commit hash. configs: List of CFNgin config paths to execute. paths: List of paths to append to ``sys.path``. tag: Git tag. uri: Remote git repo URI. """ branch: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, title="Git Branch", examples=["ENV-dev", "ENV-prod", "master"] ) commit: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Git Commit Hash") configs: List[str] = Field( default=[], description="Array of paths relative to the root of the package source " "for configuration that should be merged into the current configuration file.", ) paths: List[str] = Field( default=[], description="Array of paths relative to the root of the package source to add to $PATH.", ) tag: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, title="Git Tag", examples=["1.0.0", "v1.0.0"] ) uri: str = Field( ..., title="Git Repository URI", examples=["[email protected]:onicagroup/runway.git"], )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra: Dict[str, Any] = { "description": "Information about git repositories that should be included " "in the processing of this configuration file." } title = "CFNgin Git Repository Package Source Definition"
@root_validator def _validate_one_ref(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Ensure that only one ref is defined.""" ref_keys = ["branch", "commit", "tag"] count_ref_defs = sum(bool(values.get(i)) for i in ref_keys) if count_ref_defs > 1: raise ValueError(f"only one of {ref_keys} can be defined") return values
[docs]class LocalCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a CFNgin local package source definition. Package source located on a local disk. Attributes: configs: List of CFNgin config paths to execute. paths: List of paths to append to ``sys.path``. source: Source. """ configs: List[str] = Field( default=[], description="Array of paths relative to the root of the package source " "for configuration that should be merged into the current configuration file.", ) paths: List[str] = Field( default=[], description="Array of paths relative to the root of the package source to add to $PATH.", ) source: str = Field( ..., description="Path relative to the current configuration file that is the " "root of the local package source.", )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra: Dict[str, Any] = { "description": "Information about local directories that should be " "included in the processing of this configuration file." } title = "CFNgin Local Package Source Definition"
[docs]class S3CfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a CFNgin S3 package source definition. Package source located in AWS S3. Attributes: bucket: AWS S3 bucket name. configs: List of CFNgin config paths to execute. key: Object key. The object should be a zip file. paths: List of paths to append to ``sys.path``. requester_pays: AWS S3 requester pays option. use_latest: Use the latest version of the object. """ bucket: str = Field(..., title="AWS S3 Bucket Name") configs: List[str] = Field( default=[], description="Array of paths relative to the root of the package source " "for configuration that should be merged into the current configuration file.", ) key: str = Field(..., title="AWS S3 Object Key") paths: List[str] = Field( default=[], description="Array of paths relative to the root of the package source to add to $PATH.", ) requester_pays: bool = Field( default=False, description="Confirms that the requester knows that they will be charged " "for the request.", ) use_latest: bool = Field( default=True, description="Update the local copy if the last modified date in AWS S3 changes.", )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra: Dict[str, Any] = { "description": "Information about a AWS S3 objects that should be " "downloaded, unzipped, and included in the processing of " "this configuration file." } title = "CFNgin S3 Package Source Definition"
[docs]class CfnginPackageSourcesDefinitionModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for a CFNgin package sources definition. Attributes: git: Package source located in a git repo. local: Package source located on a local disk. s3: Package source located in AWS S3. """ git: List[GitCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel] = Field( default=[], title="CFNgin Git Repository Package Source Definitions", description=GitCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel.Config.schema_extra[ "description" ], ) local: List[LocalCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel] = Field( default=[], title="CFNgin Local Package Source Definitions", description=LocalCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel.Config.schema_extra[ "description" ], ) s3: List[S3CfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel] = Field( default=[], title="CFNgin S3 Package Source Definitions", description=S3CfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel.Config.schema_extra[ "description" ], )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid schema_extra: Dict[str, Any] = { "description": "Map of additional package sources to include when " "processing this configuration file." } title = "CFNgin Package Sources Definition"