Conduit (Serverless & CloudFront) Quickstart

The “RealWorld” demo app named Conduit provides a simple demonstration of using Runway to deploy a Serverless Framework backend with an Angular frontend.


  • An AWS account, and configured terminal environment for interacting with it with an admin role.

  • The following installed tools:

    • awscli

    • git (Available out of the box on macOS)

    • npm

    • python

    • yarn


  1. Prepare the project directory. See Repo Structure for more details.

    $ mkdir conduit
    $ cd conduit
    $ git init
    $ git checkout -b ENV-dev
  2. Download/install Runway. To see available install methods, see Installation.

  3. Download the source files.

    $ curl -O
    $ unzip v1.0.0
    $ rm v1.0.0
    $ mv realworld-dynamodb-lambda-1.0.0 backend && cd backend
    $ sed -i '/package-lock\.json/d' .gitignore
    $ echo '.dynamodb' >> .gitignore
    $ npm install
    $ cd ..
    $ curl -O
    $ unzip 35a66d144d8def340278cd55080d5c745714aca4
    $ rm 35a66d144d8def340278cd55080d5c745714aca4
    $ mv angular-realworld-example-app-35a66d144d8def340278cd55080d5c745714aca4 frontend && cd frontend
    $ mkdir scripts
    $ cd scripts && { curl -O ; cd -; }
    $ sed -i 's/^\s*"build":\s.*$/    "build": "node scripts\/build",/' package.json
    $ sed -i 's/^\s*"rxjs":\s.*$/    "rxjs": "~6.3.3",/' package.json
    $ npm install
    $ curl -O
    $ cd ..
    $ curl -O


Execute runway deploy, enter all (to deploy the backend followed by the frontend). Deployment will take some time (mostly waiting for the CloudFront distribution to stabilize).

The CloudFront domain at which the site can be reached will be displayed near the last lines of output once deployment is complete, e.g.:

staticsite: sync & CF invalidation of E17B5JWPMTX5Z8 (domain complete


Execute runway destroy, enter all.

The backend DynamoDB tables will still be retained after the destroy is complete. They must be deleted separately.

for i in realworld-dev-articles realworld-dev-comments realworld-dev-users; do aws dynamodb delete-table --region us-east-1 --table-name $i; done

Next Steps / Additional Notes

The serverless-plugin-export-endpoints plugin is a good alternative to the custom script used above to update the environment file.


The specific IAM permissions required to manage the resources in this demo are as follows

# CloudFormation
- cloudformation:CreateStack
- cloudformation:DeleteStack
- cloudformation:CreateChangeSet
- cloudformation:DescribeChangeSet
- cloudformation:DeleteChangeSet
- cloudformation:DescribeStackResource
- cloudformation:DescribeStackResources
- cloudformation:DescribeStacks
- cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents
- cloudformation:GetTemplate
- cloudformation:UpdateStack
- cloudformation:ExecuteChangeSet
- cloudformation:ValidateTemplate
# Serverless
- apigateway:GET
- apigateway:DELETE
- apigateway:POST
- apigateway:PUT
- lambda:AddPermission
- lambda:CreateAlias
- lambda:CreateFunction
- lambda:DeleteAlias
- lambda:DeleteFunction
- lambda:GetFunction
- lambda:GetFunctionConfiguration
- lambda:ListVersionsByFunction
- lambda:PublishVersion
- lambda:UpdateAlias
- lambda:UpdateFunctionCode
- lambda:UpdateFunctionConfiguration
- iam:CreateRole
- iam:DeleteRole
- iam:DeleteRolePolicy
- iam:GetRole
- iam:PassRole
- iam:PutRolePolicy
- logs:CreateLogGroup
- logs:DeleteLogGroup
- logs:DescribeLogGroups
- s3:CreateBucket
- s3:DeleteBucket
- s3:DeleteBucketPolicy
- s3:DeleteObject
- s3:DeleteObjectVersion
- s3:GetObjectVersion
- s3:ListBucket
- s3:ListBucketVersions
- s3:PutBucketVersioning
- s3:PutBucketPolicy
- s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration
# Frontend
- cloudfront:CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
- cloudfront:CreateDistribution
- cloudfront:CreateInvalidation
- cloudfront:DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
- cloudfront:DeleteDistribution
- cloudfront:GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
- cloudfront:GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig
- cloudfront:GetDistribution
- cloudfront:GetDistributionConfig
- cloudfront:GetInvalidation
- cloudfront:ListDistributions
- cloudfront:TagResource
- cloudfront:UntagResource
- cloudfront:UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
- cloudfront:UpdateDistribution
- s3:DeleteBucketWebsite
- s3:GetBucketAcl
- s3:GetObject
- s3:PutBucketAcl
- s3:GetBucketWebsite
- s3:PutBucketWebsite
- s3:PutObject
- ssm:GetParameter
- ssm:PutParameter
# Backend
- dynamodb:CreateTable
- dynamodb:DeleteTable
- dynamodb:DescribeTable
- dynamodb:TagResource
- dynamodb:UntagResource
- dynamodb:UpdateTable