
Hook Path


Create, update, and delete a SecureString SSM parameter.

A SecureString parameter is any sensitive data that needs to be stored and referenced in a secure manner. If you have data that you don’t want users to alter or reference in plaintext, such as passwords or license keys, create those parameters using the SecureString datatype.

When used in the pre_deploy or post_deploy stage this hook will create or update an SSM parameter.

When used in the pre_destroy or post_destroy stage this hook will delete an SSM parameter.

New in version 2.2.0.


allowed_pattern: Optional[str] = None

A regular expression used to validate the parameter value.

data_type: Optional[Literal['aws:ec2:image', 'text']] = None

The data type for a String parameter. Supported data types include plain text and Amazon Machine Image IDs.

description: Optional[str] = None

Information about the parameter.

force: bool = False

Skip checking the current value of the parameter, just put it. Can be used alongside overwrite to always update a parameter.

key_id: Optional[str] = None

The KMS Key ID that you want to use to encrypt a parameter. Either the default AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key automatically assigned to your AWS account or a custom key.

name: str

The fully qualified name of the parameter that you want to add to the system.

overwrite: bool = True

Allow overwriting an existing parameter. If this is set to False and the parameter already exists, the parameter will not be updated and a warning will be logged.

policies: Optional[Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], str]] = None

One or more policies to apply to a parameter. This field takes a JSON array.

tags: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], List[TagTypeDef]]] = None

Tags to be applied to the parameter.

tier: Literal['Advanced', 'Intelligent-Tiering', 'Standard'] = "Standard"

The parameter tier to assign to a parameter.

value: Optional[str] = None

The parameter value that you want to add to the system. Standard parameters have a value limit of 4 KB. Advanced parameters have a value limit of 8 KB.

If the value of this field is falsy, the parameter will not be created or updated.

If the value of this field matches what is already in SSM Parameter Store, it will not be updated unless force is True.


pre_deploy: &hooks
  - path: runway.cfngin.hooks.ssm.parameter.SecureString
      name: /example/foo
      value: bar
  - path: runway.cfngin.hooks.ssm.parameter.SecureString
      name: /example/parameter1
      description: This is an example.
        tag-key: tag-value
      tier: Advanced
      value: ${value_may_be_none}
  - path: runway.cfngin.hooks.ssm.parameter.SecureString
      name: /example/parameter2
        - Type: Expiration
          Version: 1.0
            Timestamp: 2018-12-02T21:34:33.000Z
        - Key: tag-key
          Value: tag-value
      value: ${something_else}

post_destroy: *hooks