runway.module.terraform module

Terraform module.

runway.module.terraform.gen_workspace_tfvars_files(environment: str, region: str) List[str][source]

Generate possible Terraform workspace tfvars filenames.

runway.module.terraform.update_env_vars_with_tf_var_values(os_env_vars: Dict[str, str], tf_vars: Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Any], str]]) Dict[str, str][source]

Return os_env_vars with TF_VAR values for each tf_var.

class runway.module.terraform.Terraform[source]

Bases: runway.module.base.RunwayModule, runway.mixins.DelCachedPropMixin

Terraform Runway Module.

__init__(context: RunwayContext, *, explicitly_enabled: Optional[bool] = False, logger: RunwayLogger = <RunwayLogger runway.module.terraform (WARNING)>, module_root: Path, name: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], ModuleOptions]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **_: Any) None[source]

Instantiate class.

  • context – Runway context object for the current session.

  • explicitly_enabled – Whether or not the module is explicitly enabled. This is can be set in the event that the current environment being deployed to matches the defined environments of the module/deployment.

  • logger – Used to write logs.

  • module_root – Root path of the module.

  • name – Name of the module.

  • options – Options passed to the module class from the config as options or module_options if coming from the deployment level.

  • parameters – Values to pass to the underlying infrastructure as code tool that will alter the resulting infrastructure being deployed. Used to templatize IaC.

property auto_tfvars: pathlib.Path

Return auto.tfvars file if one is being used.

property current_workspace: str

Wrap “terraform_workspace_show” to cache the value.


The currently active Terraform workspace.

property env_file: List[str]

Find the environment file for the module.

property skip: bool

Determine if the module should be skipped.

property tfenv: runway.env_mgr.tfenv.TFEnvManager

Terraform environment manager.

property tf_bin: str

Path to Terraform binary.

property version: runway.utils._version.Version

Version of Terraform being used.

cleanup_dot_terraform() None[source]

Remove .terraform excluding the plugins directly.

This step is crucial for allowing Runway to deploy to multiple regions or deploy environments without prompting the user for input.

The plugins directory is retained to improve performance when they are used by subsequent runs.

deploy() None[source]

Run Terraform apply.

destroy() None[source]

Run Terraform destroy.

gen_command(command: Union[List[str], str, Tuple[str, ...]], args_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[str][source]

Generate Terraform command.

handle_backend() None[source]

Handle backend configuration.

This needs to be run before “skip” is assessed or env_file/auto_tfvars is used in case their behavior needs to be altered.

handle_parameters() None[source]

Handle parameters.

Either updating environment variables or writing to a file.

init() None[source]

Run init.

plan() None[source]

Run Terraform plan.

terraform_apply() None[source]

Execute terraform apply command.

terraform_destroy() None[source]

Execute terraform destroy command.

terraform_get() None[source]

Execute terraform get command.

terraform_init() None[source]

Execute terraform init command.

terraform_plan() None[source]

Execute terraform plan command.

terraform_workspace_list() str[source]

Execute terraform workspace list command.


The available Terraform workspaces.

Return type


terraform_workspace_new(workspace: str) None[source]

Execute terraform workspace new command.

permanently to


workspace – Terraform workspace to create.

terraform_workspace_select(workspace: str) None[source]

Execute terraform workspace select command.


workspace – Terraform workspace to select.

terraform_workspace_show() str[source]

Execute terraform workspace show command.


The current Terraform workspace.

run(action: Literal['apply', 'destroy', 'get', 'init', 'plan', 'workspace_list', 'workspace_new', 'workspace_select', 'workspace_show']) None[source]

Run module.

__getitem__(key: str) Any

Make the object subscriptable.


key – Attribute to get.

class runway.module.terraform.TerraformOptions[source]

Bases: runway.module.base.ModuleOptions

Module options for Terraform.


CLI arguments/options to pass to Terraform.


Options parsed into a data model.


Current deploy environment.


Module path.


String containing a Terraform version.


Optionally write parameters to a tfvars file instead of updating variables.

__init__(data: RunwayTerraformModuleOptionsDataModel, deploy_environment: DeployEnvironment, path: Optional[Path] = None) None[source]

Instantiate class.

  • deploy_environment – Current deploy environment.

  • data – Options parsed into a data model.

  • path – Module path.

property backend_config: runway.module.terraform.TerraformBackendConfig

Backend configuration options.

classmethod parse_obj(deploy_environment: DeployEnvironment, obj: object, path: Optional[Path] = None) TerraformOptions[source]

Parse options definition and return an options object.

  • deploy_environment – Current deploy environment.

  • obj – Object to parse.

  • path – Module path.

__eq__(other: Any) bool

Assess equality.

get(name: str, default: Any = None) Any

Get a value or return the default.

class runway.module.terraform.TerraformBackendConfig[source]

Bases: runway.module.base.ModuleOptions

Terraform backend configuration module options.

__init__(data: RunwayTerraformBackendConfigDataModel, deploy_environment: DeployEnvironment, path: Path) None[source]

Instantiate class.

  • data – Options parsed into a data model.

  • deploy_environment – Current deploy environment.

  • path – Module path.

property config_file: Optional[pathlib.Path]

Backend configuration file.

property init_args: List[str]

Return command line arguments for init.

get_full_configuration() Dict[str, str][source]

Get full backend configuration.

classmethod get_backend_file(path: pathlib.Path, environment: str, region: str) Optional[pathlib.Path][source]

Determine Terraform backend file.

  • path – Path to the module.

  • environment – Current deploy environment.

  • region – Current AWS region.

static gen_backend_filenames(environment: str, region: str) List[str][source]

Generate possible Terraform backend filenames.

  • environment – Current deploy environment.

  • region – Current AWS region.

classmethod parse_obj(deploy_environment: DeployEnvironment, obj: object, path: Optional[Path] = None) TerraformBackendConfig[source]

Parse options definition and return an options object.

  • deploy_environment – Current deploy environment.

  • obj – Object to parse.

  • path – Module path.

__eq__(other: Any) bool

Assess equality.

get(name: str, default: Any = None) Any

Get a value or return the default.