runway.cfngin.utils module

CFNgin utilities.

runway.cfngin.utils.camel_to_snake(name: str) str[source]

Convert CamelCase to snake_case.


name (str) – The name to convert from CamelCase to snake_case.


Converted string.

Return type


runway.cfngin.utils.convert_class_name(kls: type) str[source]

Get a string that represents a given class.


kls – The class being analyzed for its name.


The name of the given kls.

runway.cfngin.utils.parse_zone_id(full_zone_id: str) str[source]

Parse the returned hosted zone id and returns only the ID itself.

runway.cfngin.utils.get_hosted_zone_by_name(client: Route53Client, zone_name: str) Optional[str][source]

Get the zone id of an existing zone by name.

  • client – The connection used to interact with Route53’s API.

  • zone_name – The name of the DNS hosted zone to create.


The Id of the Hosted Zone.

runway.cfngin.utils.get_or_create_hosted_zone(client: Route53Client, zone_name: str) str[source]

Get the Id of an existing zone, or create it.

  • client – The connection used to interact with Route53’s API.

  • zone_name – The name of the DNS hosted zone to create.


The Id of the Hosted Zone.

class runway.cfngin.utils.SOARecordText[source]

Bases: object

Represents the actual body of an SOARecord.

__init__(record_text: str) None[source]

Instantiate class.

__str__() str[source]

Convert an instance of this class to a string.

class runway.cfngin.utils.SOARecord[source]

Bases: object

Represents an SOA record.

__init__(record: ResourceRecordSetTypeDef) None[source]

Instantiate class.

runway.cfngin.utils.get_soa_record(client: Route53Client, zone_id: str, zone_name: str) SOARecord[source]

Get the SOA record for zone_name from zone_id.

  • client – The connection used to interact with Route53’s API.

  • zone_id – The AWS Route53 zone id of the hosted zone to query.

  • zone_name – The name of the DNS hosted zone to create.


An object representing the parsed SOA record returned from AWS Route53.

runway.cfngin.utils.create_route53_zone(client: Route53Client, zone_name: str) str[source]

Create the given zone_name if it doesn’t already exists.

Also sets the SOA negative caching TTL to something short (300 seconds).

  • client – The connection used to interact with Route53’s API.

  • zone_name – The name of the DNS hosted zone to create.


The zone id returned from AWS for the existing, or newly created zone.

runway.cfngin.utils.yaml_to_ordered_dict(stream: str, loader: typing.Union[typing.Type[yaml.loader.Loader], typing.Type[yaml.loader.SafeLoader]] = <class 'yaml.loader.SafeLoader'>) OrderedDict[str, Any][source]

yaml.load alternative with preserved dictionary order.

  • stream – YAML string to load.

  • loader – PyYAML loader class. Defaults to safe load.

runway.cfngin.utils.uppercase_first_letter(string_: str) str[source]

Return string with first character upper case.

runway.cfngin.utils.cf_safe_name(name: str) str[source]

Convert a name to a safe string for a CloudFormation resource.

Given a string, returns a name that is safe for use as a CloudFormation Resource. (ie: Only alphanumeric characters)

runway.cfngin.utils.read_value_from_path(value: str, *, root_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) str[source]

Enable translators to read values from files.

The value can be referred to with the file:// prefix.


conf_key: ${kms file://kms_value.txt}
runway.cfngin.utils.get_client_region(client: Any) str[source]

Get the region from a boto3 client.


client – The client to get the region from.


AWS region string.

runway.cfngin.utils.get_s3_endpoint(client: Any) str[source]

Get the s3 endpoint for the given boto3 client.


client – The client to get the endpoint from.


The AWS endpoint for the client.

runway.cfngin.utils.s3_bucket_location_constraint(region: Optional[str]) Optional[str][source]

Return the appropriate LocationConstraint info for a new S3 bucket.

When creating a bucket in a region OTHER than us-east-1, you need to specify a LocationConstraint inside the CreateBucketConfiguration argument. This function helps you determine the right value given a given client.


region – The region where the bucket will be created in.


The string to use with the given client for creating a bucket.

runway.cfngin.utils.ensure_s3_bucket(s3_client: S3Client, bucket_name: str, bucket_region: Optional[str] = None, *, create: bool = True, persist_graph: bool = False) None[source]

Ensure an s3 bucket exists, if it does not then create it.

  • s3_client – An s3 client used to verify and create the bucket.

  • bucket_name – The bucket being checked/created.

  • bucket_region – The region to create the bucket in. If not provided, will be determined by s3_client’s region.

  • create – Whether to create the bucket if it does not exist.

  • persist_graph – Check bucket for recommended settings. If creating a new bucket, it will be created with recommended settings.

runway.cfngin.utils.parse_cloudformation_template(template: str) Dict[str, Any][source]

Parse CFN template string.

Leverages the vendored aws-cli yamlhelper to handle JSON or YAML templates.


template – The template body.

runway.cfngin.utils.is_within_directory(directory: pathlib.Path | str, target: str) bool[source]

Check if file is in directory.

Determines if the provided path is within a specific directory or its subdirectories.

  • directory (Union[Path, str]) – Path of the directory we’re checking.

  • target (str) – Path of the file we’re checking for containment.


True if the target is in the directory or subdirectories, False otherwise.

Return type


runway.cfngin.utils.safe_tar_extract(tar: tarfile.TarFile, path: pathlib.Path | str = '.', members: list[tarfile.TarInfo] | None = None, *, numeric_owner: bool = False)[source]

Safely extract the contents of a tar file to a specified directory.

This code is modified from a PR provided to Runway project to address CVE-2007-4559.

  • tar (TarFile) – The tar file object that will be extracted.

  • path (Union[Path, str], optional) – The directory to extract the tar into.

  • members (List[TarInfo] | None, optional) – List of TarInfo objects to extract.

  • numeric_owner (bool, optional) – Enable usage of owner and group IDs when extracting.


Exception – If any tar file tries to go outside the specified area.

class runway.cfngin.utils.Extractor[source]

Bases: object

Base class for extractors.

__init__(archive: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) None[source]

Instantiate class.


archive (str) – Archive path.

set_archive(dir_name: pathlib.Path) None[source]

Update archive filename to match directory name & extension.


dir_name – Archive directory name

class runway.cfngin.utils.TarExtractor[source]

Bases: runway.cfngin.utils.Extractor

Extracts tar archives.

extract(destination: pathlib.Path) None[source]

Extract the archive.

__init__(archive: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) None

Instantiate class.


archive (str) – Archive path.

set_archive(dir_name: pathlib.Path) None

Update archive filename to match directory name & extension.


dir_name – Archive directory name

class runway.cfngin.utils.TarGzipExtractor[source]

Bases: runway.cfngin.utils.Extractor

Extracts compressed tar archives.

extract(destination: pathlib.Path) None[source]

Extract the archive.

__init__(archive: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) None

Instantiate class.


archive (str) – Archive path.

set_archive(dir_name: pathlib.Path) None

Update archive filename to match directory name & extension.


dir_name – Archive directory name

class runway.cfngin.utils.ZipExtractor[source]

Bases: runway.cfngin.utils.Extractor

Extracts zip archives.

extract(destination: pathlib.Path) None[source]

Extract the archive.

__init__(archive: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) None

Instantiate class.


archive (str) – Archive path.

set_archive(dir_name: pathlib.Path) None

Update archive filename to match directory name & extension.


dir_name – Archive directory name

class runway.cfngin.utils.SourceProcessor[source]

Bases: object

Makes remote python package sources available in current environment.

__init__(sources: CfnginPackageSourcesDefinitionModel, cache_dir: Path) None[source]

Process a config’s defined package sources.

  • sources – Package sources from CFNgin config dictionary.

  • cache_dir – Path where remote sources will be cached.

create_cache_directories() None[source]

Ensure that SourceProcessor cache directories exist.

get_package_sources() None[source]

Make remote python packages available for local use.

fetch_local_package(config: LocalCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel) None[source]

Make a local path available to current CFNgin config.


config – Package source config.

fetch_s3_package(config: S3CfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel) None[source]

Make a remote S3 archive available for local use.


config – Package source config.

fetch_git_package(config: GitCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel) None[source]

Make a remote git repository available for local use.


config – Package source config.

update_paths_and_config(config: Union[GitCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel, LocalCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel, S3CfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel], pkg_dir_name: str, pkg_cache_dir: Optional[Path] = None) None[source]

Handle remote source defined sys.paths & configs.

  • config – Package source config.

  • pkg_dir_name – Directory name of the CFNgin archive.

  • pkg_cache_dir – Fully qualified path to CFNgin cache cache directory.

static git_ls_remote(uri: str, ref: str) str[source]

Determine the latest commit id for a given ref.

  • uri – Git URI.

  • ref – Git ref.

static determine_git_ls_remote_ref(config: GitCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel) str[source]

Determine the ref to be used with the “git ls-remote” command.


config – Git package source config.


A branch reference or “HEAD”.

determine_git_ref(config: GitCfnginPackageSourceDefinitionModel) str[source]

Determine the ref to be used for git checkout.


config – Git package source config.


A commit id or tag name.

static sanitize_uri_path(uri: str) str[source]

Take a URI and converts it to a directory safe path.


uri – URI to sanitize.


Directory name for the supplied uri.

sanitize_git_path(uri: str, ref: Optional[str] = None) str[source]

Take a git URI and ref and converts it to a directory safe path.

  • uri – Git URI. (e.g.

  • ref – Git ref to be appended to the path.


Directory name for the supplied uri

runway.cfngin.utils.stack_template_key_name(blueprint: Blueprint) str[source]

Given a blueprint, produce an appropriate key name.


blueprint – The blueprint object to create the key from.


Key name resulting from blueprint.