Source code for runway.tests.registry

"""Register test handlers."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Type

from .handlers import cfn_lint, script
from .handlers import yaml_lint as yamllint

    from .handlers.base import TestHandler

TEST_HANDLERS: Dict[str, Type[TestHandler]] = {}

[docs]def register_test_handler(test_type: str, handler: Type[TestHandler]) -> None: """Register a test handler. Args: test_type: Name to register the handler under. handler: Test handler class. """ TEST_HANDLERS[test_type] = handler
[docs]def unregister_test_handler(test_type: str) -> None: """Unregister the specified test type. This is useful when testing various lookup types if you want to unregister the lookup type after the test runs. Args: test_type (str): Name of the lookup type to unregister. """ TEST_HANDLERS.pop(test_type, None)
register_test_handler(script.TYPE_NAME, script.ScriptHandler) register_test_handler(cfn_lint.TYPE_NAME, cfn_lint.CfnLintHandler) register_test_handler(yamllint.TYPE_NAME, yamllint.YamllintHandler)