"""Runway module utilities."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast
from ..utils import which
from typing import Any
from .._logging import RunwayLogger
LOGGER = cast("RunwayLogger", logging.getLogger(__name__))
NPM_BIN = "npm.cmd" if platform.system().lower() == "windows" else "npm"
NPX_BIN = "npx.cmd" if platform.system().lower() == "windows" else "npx"
# type hint quoted b/c pylint 2.11.1 raises unsubscriptable-object
[docs]def generate_node_command(
command: str,
command_opts: List[str],
path: Path,
logger: Union[logging.Logger, "logging.LoggerAdapter[Any]"] = LOGGER,
package: Optional[str] = None,
) -> List[str]:
"""Return node bin command list for subprocess execution.
command: Command to execute from a local ``node_modules/.bin``.
command_opts: Options to include with the command.
path: Current working directory. Used to construct a "fall-back" command
when ``npx`` is not available/included as part of npm.
logger: A specific logger to use when logging the constructed command.
package: Name of the npm package containing the binary to execute.
This is recommended when the name of the binary does not match the
name of the npm package.
if which(NPX_BIN):
# Use npx if available (npm v5.2+)
cmd_list = [NPX_BIN]
if package:
cmd_list.append(f"{command} {' '.join(command_opts)}".strip())
logger.debug("npx not found; falling back to invoking shell script directly")
cmd_list = [str(path / "node_modules" / ".bin" / command), *command_opts]
logger.debug("node command: %s", format_npm_command_for_logging(cmd_list))
return cmd_list
# type hint b/c pylint 2.11.1 raises unsubscriptable-object
[docs]def run_module_command(
cmd_list: List[str],
env_vars: Dict[str, str],
exit_on_error: bool = True,
logger: Union[logging.Logger, "logging.LoggerAdapter[Any]"] = LOGGER,
) -> None:
"""Shell out to provisioner command.
cmd_list: Command to run.
env_vars: Environment variables.
exit_on_error: If true, ``subprocess.CalledProcessError`` will be caught
and the resulting exit code will be passed to ``sys.exit()``.
If false, the error will not be caught within this function.
logger: Optionally, supply a logger to use.
logger: A specific logger to use when logging the constructed command.
logger.debug("running command: %s", " ".join(cmd_list))
if exit_on_error:
subprocess.check_call(cmd_list, env=env_vars)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as shelloutexc:
subprocess.check_call(cmd_list, env=env_vars)
[docs]def use_npm_ci(path: Path) -> bool:
"""Return true if npm ci should be used in lieu of npm install."""
# https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/ci#description
with open(os.devnull, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fnull:
if (
(path / "package-lock.json").is_file()
or (path / "npm-shrinkwrap.json").is_file()
) and subprocess.call(
[NPM_BIN, "ci", "-h"], stdout=fnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
) == 0:
return True
return False