Source code for runway.module.staticsite.options.models

"""Runway static site Module options."""

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, cast

from pydantic import Extra, root_validator

from ....config.models.base import ConfigProperty

[docs]class RunwayStaticSiteExtraFileDataModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for Runway static site Module extra_files option item. Attributes: content_type: An explicit content type for the file. If not provided, will attempt to determine based on the name provided. content: Inline content that will be used as the file content. This or ``file`` must be provided. file: Path to an existing file. The content of this file will be uploaded to the static site S3 bucket using the name as the object key. This or ``content`` must be provided. name: The destination name of the file to create. """ content_type: Optional[str] = None content: Any = None file: Optional[Path] = None name: str
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid title = "Runway static site Module extra_files option item."
@root_validator def _autofill_content_type( # pylint: disable=no-self-argument cls, values: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Attempt to fill content_type if not provided.""" if values.get("content_type"): return values name = cast(str, values.get("name", "")) if name.endswith(".json"): values["content_type"] = "application/json" elif name.endswith(".yaml") or name.endswith(".yml"): values["content_type"] = "text/yaml" return values @root_validator(pre=True) def _validate_content_or_file( # pylint: disable=no-self-argument cls, values: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Validate that content or file is provided.""" if all(i in values and values[i] for i in ["content", "file"]): raise ValueError("only one of content or file can be provided") if not any(i in values for i in ["content", "file"]): raise ValueError("one of content or file must be provided") return values
[docs]class RunwayStaticSitePreBuildStepDataModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for Runway static site Module pre_build_steps option item. Attributes: command: The command to run. cwd: The working directory for the subprocess running the command. If not provided, the current working directory is used. """ command: str cwd: Path = Path.cwd()
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid title = "Runway static site Module pre_build_steps option item."
[docs]class RunwayStaticSiteSourceHashingDirectoryDataModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for Runway static site Module option item. Attributes: exclusions: List of gitignore formatted globs to ignore when calculating the hash. path: Path to files to include in the hash. """ exclusions: List[str] = [] path: Path
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid title = "Runway static site Module source_hashing.directories option item."
[docs]class RunwayStaticSiteSourceHashingDataModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for Runway static site Module source_hashing option. Attributes: directories: Explicitly provide the directories to use when calculating the hash. If not provided, will default to the root of the module. enabled: Enable source hashing. If not enabled, build and upload will occur on every deploy. parameter: SSM parameter where the hash of each build is stored. """ directories: List[RunwayStaticSiteSourceHashingDirectoryDataModel] = [ RunwayStaticSiteSourceHashingDirectoryDataModel(path="./") # type: ignore ] enabled: bool = True parameter: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.forbid title = "Runway static site Module source_hashing option."
[docs]class RunwayStaticSiteModuleOptionsDataModel(ConfigProperty): """Model for Runway static site Module options. Attributes: build_output: Directory where build output is placed. Defaults to current working directory. build_steps: List of commands to run to build the static site. extra_files: List of files that should be uploaded to S3 after the build. Used to dynamically create or select file. pre_build_steps: Commands to be run prior to the build process. source_hashing: Overrides for source hash calculation and tracking. """ build_output: str = "./" build_steps: List[str] = [] extra_files: List[RunwayStaticSiteExtraFileDataModel] = [] pre_build_steps: List[RunwayStaticSitePreBuildStepDataModel] = [] source_hashing: RunwayStaticSiteSourceHashingDataModel = ( RunwayStaticSiteSourceHashingDataModel() )
[docs] class Config(ConfigProperty.Config): """Model configuration.""" extra = Extra.ignore title = "Runway static site Module options."