Source code for runway.mixins

"""Class mixins."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Literal

from .compat import shlex_join

    from pathlib import Path

    from ._logging import RunwayLogger
    from .context import CfnginContext, RunwayContext

LOGGER = cast("RunwayLogger", logging.getLogger(__name__))

[docs]class CliInterfaceMixin: """Mixin for adding CLI interface methods.""" EXECUTABLE: ClassVar[str] """CLI executable.""" ctx: Union[CfnginContext, RunwayContext] """CFNgin or Runway context object.""" cwd: Path """Working directory where commands will be run."""
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_to_cli_arg(arg_name: str, *, prefix: str = "--") -> str: """Convert string kwarg name into a CLI argument.""" return f"{prefix}{arg_name.replace('_', '-')}"
[docs] @classmethod def found_in_path(cls) -> bool: """Determine if executable is found in $PATH.""" if shutil.which(cls.EXECUTABLE): return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def generate_command( cls, command: Union[List[str], str], **kwargs: Optional[Union[bool, Iterable[str], str]], ) -> List[str]: """Generate command to be executed and log it. Args: command: Command to run. args: Additional args to pass to the command. Returns: The full command to be passed into a subprocess. """ cmd = [cls.EXECUTABLE, *(command if isinstance(command, list) else [command])] cmd.extend(cls._generate_command_handle_kwargs(**kwargs)) LOGGER.debug("generated command: %s", cls.list2cmdline(cmd)) return cmd
@classmethod def _generate_command_handle_kwargs( cls, **kwargs: Optional[Union[bool, Iterable[str], str]] ) -> List[str]: """Handle kwargs passed to generate_command.""" result: List[str] = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, str): result.extend([cls.convert_to_cli_arg(k), v]) elif isinstance(v, (list, set, tuple)): for i in cast(Iterable[str], v): result.extend([cls.convert_to_cli_arg(k), i]) elif isinstance(v, bool) and v: result.append(cls.convert_to_cli_arg(k)) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def list2cmdline(split_command: Iterable[str]) -> str: """Combine a list of strings into a string that can be run as a command. Handles multi-platform differences. """ if platform.system() == "Windows": return subprocess.list2cmdline(split_command) return shlex_join(split_command)
@overload def _run_command( self, command: Union[Iterable[str], str], *, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = ..., suppress_output: Literal[True] = ..., ) -> str: ... @overload def _run_command( self, command: Union[Iterable[str], str], *, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = ..., suppress_output: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> None: ... def _run_command( self, command: Union[Iterable[str], str], *, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, suppress_output: bool = True, ) -> Optional[str]: """Run command. Args: command: Command to pass to shell to execute. env: Environment variables. suppress_output: If ``True``, the output of the subprocess written to ``sys.stdout`` and ``sys.stderr`` will be captured and returned as a string instead of being being written directly. """ cmd_str = command if isinstance(command, str) else self.list2cmdline(command) LOGGER.verbose("running command: %s", cmd_str) if suppress_output: return subprocess.check_output( cmd_str, cwd=self.cwd, env=env or self.ctx.env.vars, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) subprocess.check_call( cmd_str, cwd=self.cwd, env=env or self.ctx.env.vars, shell=True, ) return None
[docs]class DelCachedPropMixin: """Mixin to handle safely clearing the value of :func:`functools.cached_property`.""" def _del_cached_property(self, *names: str) -> None: """Delete the cached value of a :func:`functools.cached_property`. Args: names: Names of the attribute that is cached. Can provide one or multiple. """ for name in names: with suppress(AttributeError): delattr(self, name)