Source code for runway.lookups.registry

"""Register test handlers."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Dict, Type, Union, cast

from ..utils import load_object_from_string
from .handlers.base import LookupHandler
from .handlers.cfn import CfnLookup
from .handlers.ecr import EcrLookup
from .handlers.env import EnvLookup
from .handlers.random_string import RandomStringLookup
from .handlers.ssm import SsmLookup
from .handlers.var import VarLookup

RUNWAY_LOOKUP_HANDLERS: Dict[str, Type[LookupHandler]] = {}
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def register_lookup_handler( lookup_type: str, handler_or_path: Union[str, Type[LookupHandler]] ) -> None: """Register a lookup handler. Args: lookup_type: Name to register the handler under handler_or_path: a function or a path to a handler """ handler = handler_or_path if isinstance(handler_or_path, str): handler = cast(type, load_object_from_string(handler_or_path)) else: handler = handler_or_path try: if issubclass(handler, LookupHandler): RUNWAY_LOOKUP_HANDLERS[lookup_type] = handler return except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except LOGGER.debug("failed to validate lookup handler", exc_info=True) raise TypeError( f"lookup {handler_or_path} must be a subclass of " "runway.lookups.handlers.base.LookupHandler" )
[docs]def unregister_lookup_handler(lookup_type: str) -> None: """Unregister the specified test type. This is useful when testing various lookup types if you want to unregister the lookup type after the test runs. Args: lookup_type: Name of the lookup type to unregister """ RUNWAY_LOOKUP_HANDLERS.pop(lookup_type, None)
register_lookup_handler(CfnLookup.TYPE_NAME, CfnLookup) register_lookup_handler(EcrLookup.TYPE_NAME, EcrLookup) register_lookup_handler(EnvLookup.TYPE_NAME, EnvLookup) register_lookup_handler(RandomStringLookup.TYPE_NAME, RandomStringLookup) register_lookup_handler(SsmLookup.TYPE_NAME, SsmLookup) register_lookup_handler(VarLookup.TYPE_NAME, VarLookup)