"""Retrieve a variable from the variables file or definition."""
# pyright: reportIncompatibleMethodOverride=none
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from typing_extensions import Final, Literal
from .base import LookupHandler
from ...utils import MutableMap
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TYPE_NAME = "var"
[docs]class VarLookup(LookupHandler):
"""Variable definition Lookup."""
TYPE_NAME: Final[Literal["var"]] = "var"
"""Name that the Lookup is registered as."""
[docs] @classmethod
def handle( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
cls, value: str, *__args: Any, variables: MutableMap, **__kwargs: Any
) -> Any:
"""Retrieve a variable from the variable definition.
The value is retrieved from the variables passed to Runway using
either a variables file or the ``variables`` directive of the
config file.
value: The value passed to the Lookup.
variables: The resolved variables pass to Runway.
ValueError: Unable to find a value for the provided query and
a default value was not provided.
query, args = cls.parse(value)
result = variables.find(query, default=args.pop("default", ""))
if result != "": # allows for False bool and NoneType results
return cls.format_results(result, **args)
raise ValueError(f'"{query}" does not exist in the variable definition')