Source code for runway.env_mgr.kbenv

"""Kubectl version management."""

from __future__ import annotations

import hashlib
import locale
import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generator, Optional, cast
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

import requests
from typing_extensions import Final

from ..compat import cached_property
from ..exceptions import KubectlVersionNotSpecified
from ..utils import FileHash, Version
from . import EnvManager, handle_bin_download_error

    from pathlib import Path

    from .._logging import RunwayLogger

LOGGER = cast("RunwayLogger", logging.getLogger(__name__))
KB_VERSION_FILENAME = ".kubectl-version"

[docs]def verify_kb_release(kb_url: str, download_dir: str, filename: str) -> None: """Compare checksum and exit if it doesn't match. Different releases provide varying checksum files. To account for this, start at SHA512 and work down to the first available checksum. requests is used for downloading these small files because of difficulty in getting 404 status from urllib on py2. Once py2 support is dropped, downloads can be moved to urllib. """ # This might be a bit cleaner refactored as self-referencing function, but # the ridiculousness should be short-lived as md5 & sha1 support won't last # long. try: hash_alg: "hashlib._Hash" = hashlib.sha512() checksum_filename = filename + "." + LOGGER.debug("attempting download of kubectl %s checksum...", download_request = requests.get( kb_url + "/" + checksum_filename, allow_redirects=True ) download_request.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: try: hash_alg = hashlib.sha256() checksum_filename = filename + "." + LOGGER.debug("attempting download of kubectl %s checksum...", download_request = requests.get( kb_url + "/" + checksum_filename, allow_redirects=True ) download_request.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: try: hash_alg = hashlib.sha1() checksum_filename = filename + "." + LOGGER.debug( "attempting download of kubectl %s checksum...", ) download_request = requests.get( kb_url + "/" + checksum_filename, allow_redirects=True ) download_request.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: try: hash_alg = hashlib.md5() checksum_filename = filename + "." + LOGGER.debug( "attempting download of kubectl %s checksum...", ) download_request = requests.get( kb_url + "/" + checksum_filename, allow_redirects=True ) download_request.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: LOGGER.error("Unable to retrieve kubectl checksum file") sys.exit(1) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): kb_hash = download_request.content.rstrip("\n") else: kb_hash = download_request.content.decode().rstrip("\n") checksum = FileHash(hash_alg) checksum.add_file(os.path.join(download_dir, filename)) if kb_hash != checksum.hexdigest: LOGGER.error( "downloaded kubectl %s does not match %s checksum %s", filename,, kb_hash, ) sys.exit(1) LOGGER.debug("kubectl matched %s checksum...",
[docs]def download_kb_release( version: str, versions_dir: Path, kb_platform: Optional[str] = None, arch: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Download kubectl and return path to it.""" version_dir = versions_dir / version if arch is None: arch = os.getenv("KBENV_ARCH", "amd64") if not kb_platform: if platform.system().startswith("Darwin"): kb_platform = "darwin" elif platform.system().startswith("Windows") or ( platform.system().startswith("MINGW64") or ( platform.system().startswith("MSYS_NT") or (platform.system().startswith("CYGWIN_NT")) ) ): kb_platform = "windows" else: kb_platform = "linux" download_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() filename = "kubectl.exe" if kb_platform == "windows" else "kubectl" kb_url = f"{RELEASE_URI}/{version}/bin/{kb_platform}/{arch}" try: LOGGER.verbose("downloading kubectl from %s...", kb_url) urlretrieve(kb_url + "/" + filename, os.path.join(download_dir, filename)) except URLError as exc: handle_bin_download_error(exc, "kubectl") verify_kb_release(kb_url, download_dir, filename) version_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.move(os.path.join(download_dir, filename), version_dir / filename) shutil.rmtree(download_dir) result = version_dir / filename result.chmod(result.stat().st_mode | 0o0111) # ensure it is executable
[docs]class KBEnvManager(EnvManager): """kubectl version management. Designed to be compatible with """ VERSION_REGEX: Final[str] = r"^(v)?(?P<version>[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\S*)"
[docs] def __init__( self, path: Optional[Path] = None, *, overlay_path: Optional[Path] = None ) -> None: """Initialize class. Args: path: Module path. overlay_path: Path to Kustomize overlay. """ super().__init__("kubectl", "kbenv", path) self.overlay_path = overlay_path
@cached_property def version(self) -> Optional[Version]: """Terraform version.""" if not self.current_version: self.current_version = self.get_version_from_file() if not self.current_version: return None return self.parse_version_string(self.current_version) @cached_property def version_file(self) -> Optional[Path]: """Find and return a ".kubectl-version" file if one is present. Returns: Path to the kubectl version file. """ path_list = [self.path, self.path.parent] if self.overlay_path: path_list.insert(0, self.overlay_path) for path in path_list: tmp_path = path / KB_VERSION_FILENAME if tmp_path.is_file(): LOGGER.debug("using version file: %s", tmp_path) return tmp_path return None
[docs] def get_version_from_file(self, file_path: Optional[Path] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Get kubectl version from a file. Args: file_path: Path to file that will be read. """ file_path = file_path or self.version_file if file_path and file_path.is_file(): return file_path.read_text( encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale=False) ).strip() LOGGER.debug("file path not provided and version file could not be found") return None
[docs] def install(self, version_requested: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Ensure kubectl is available.""" if not version_requested: if self.version: version_requested = str(self.version) else: LOGGER.warning( "kubectl version not specified and %s file not found", KB_VERSION_FILENAME, ) raise KubectlVersionNotSpecified if not version_requested.startswith("v"): version_requested = "v" + version_requested # Return early (i.e before reaching out to the internet) if the # matching version is already installed if (self.versions_dir / version_requested).is_dir(): LOGGER.verbose( "kubectl version %s already installed; using it...", version_requested ) self.current_version = version_requested return str(self.bin)"downloading and using kubectl version %s ...", version_requested) download_kb_release(version_requested, self.versions_dir) LOGGER.verbose("downloaded kubectl %s successfully", version_requested) self.current_version = version_requested return str(self.bin)
[docs] def list_installed(self) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: """List installed versions of kubectl. Only lists versions of kubectl that have been installed by an instance if this class or by kbenv. """ LOGGER.verbose("checking %s for kubectl versions...", self.versions_dir) return self.versions_dir.rglob("v*.*.*")
[docs] def set_version(self, version: str) -> None: """Set current version. Clears cached values as needed. Args: version: Version string. Must be in the format of ``v<major>.<minor>.<patch>`` with an optional ``-<prerelease>``. """ if self.current_version == version: return self.current_version = version self._del_cached_property("version")
[docs] @classmethod def parse_version_string(cls, version: str) -> Version: """Parse version string into a :class:`Version`. Args: version: Version string to parse. Must be in the format of ``<major>.<minor>.<patch>`` with an optional ``-<prerelease>``. """ match =, version) if not match: raise ValueError( f"provided version doesn't conform to regex: {cls.VERSION_REGEX}" ) return Version(f"v{'version')}")