Source code for runway.dependency_managers._pip

"""pip CLI interface."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

from typing_extensions import Final, Literal

from ..compat import cached_property, shlex_join
from ..exceptions import RunwayError
from ..utils import Version
from .base_classes import DependencyManager

    from _typeshed import StrPath

    from .._logging import RunwayLogger

LOGGER = cast("RunwayLogger", logging.getLogger(__name__))

[docs]class PipInstallFailedError(RunwayError): """Pip install failed."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Instantiate class. All args/kwargs are passed to parent method.""" self.message = ( "pip failed to install dependencies; " "review pip's output above to troubleshoot" ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Pip(DependencyManager): """pip CLI interface.""" CONFIG_FILES: Final[Tuple[Literal["requirements.txt"]]] = ("requirements.txt",) """Configuration files used by pip.""" EXECUTABLE: Final[Literal["pip"]] = "pip" """CLI executable.""" @cached_property def python_version(self) -> Version: """Python version where pip is installed (``<major>.<minor>`` only).""" cmd_output = self._run_command([self.EXECUTABLE, "--version"]) match ="^pip \S* from .+ \(python (?P<version>\S*)\)$", cmd_output) if not match: LOGGER.warning( "unable to parse Python version from output:\n%s", cmd_output ) return Version("0.0.0") return Version("version")) @cached_property def version(self) -> Version: """pip version.""" cmd_output = self._run_command([self.EXECUTABLE, "--version"]) match ="^pip (?P<version>\S*) from .+$", cmd_output) if not match: LOGGER.warning("unable to parse pip version from output:\n%s", cmd_output) return Version("0.0.0") return Version("version"))
[docs] @classmethod def dir_is_project(cls, directory: StrPath, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """Determine if the directory contains a project for this dependency manager. Args: directory: Directory to check. """ kwargs.setdefault("file_name", cls.CONFIG_FILES[0]) requirements_txt = Path(directory) / kwargs["file_name"] if requirements_txt.is_file(): return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def generate_install_command( cls, *, cache_dir: Optional[StrPath] = None, no_cache_dir: bool = False, no_deps: bool = False, requirements: StrPath, target: StrPath, ) -> List[str]: """Generate the command that when run will install dependencies. This method is exposed to easily format the command to be run by with a subprocess or within a Docker container. Args: cache_dir: Store the cache data in the provided directory. no_cache_dir: Disable the cache. no_deps: Don't install package dependencies. requirements: Path to a ``requirements.txt`` file. target: Path to a directory where dependencies will be installed. """ return cls.generate_command( "install", cache_dir=str(cache_dir) if cache_dir else None, disable_pip_version_check=True, no_cache_dir=no_cache_dir, no_deps=no_deps, no_input=True, requirement=str(requirements), target=str(target), )
[docs] def install( self, *, cache_dir: Optional[StrPath] = None, extend_args: Optional[List[str]] = None, no_cache_dir: bool = False, no_deps: bool = False, requirements: StrPath, target: StrPath, ) -> Path: """Install dependencies to a target directory. Args: cache_dir: Store the cache data in the provided directory. extend_args: Optional list of extra arguments to pass to ``pip install``. This value will not be parsed or sanitized in any way - it will be used as is. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that there are no overlapping arguments between this list and the arguments that are automatically generated. no_cache_dir: Disable the cache. no_deps: Don't install package dependencies. requirements: Path to a ``requirements.txt`` file. target: Path to a directory where dependencies will be installed. Raises: PipInstallFailedError: The subprocess used to run the commend exited with an error. """ target = Path(target) if not isinstance(target, Path) else target target.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) try: self._run_command( self.generate_install_command( cache_dir=cache_dir, no_cache_dir=no_cache_dir, no_deps=no_deps, requirements=requirements, target=target, ) + (extend_args or []), suppress_output=False, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise PipInstallFailedError from exc return target
[docs] @classmethod def generate_command( cls, command: Union[List[str], str], **kwargs: Optional[Union[bool, Iterable[str], str]], ) -> List[str]: """Generate command to be executed and log it. Args: command: Command to run. args: Additional args to pass to the command. Returns: The full command to be passed into a subprocess. """ cmd = [ "python", "-m", cls.EXECUTABLE, *(command if isinstance(command, list) else [command]), ] cmd.extend(cls._generate_command_handle_kwargs(**kwargs)) LOGGER.debug("generated command: %s", shlex_join(cmd)) return cmd