"""Abstraction for the module 'type' value in a a Runway configuration."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, Dict, Optional, Type, cast
from typing_extensions import Literal
from ...utils import load_object_from_string
from ...config.models.runway import RunwayModuleTypeTypeDef
from ...module.base import RunwayModule
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RunwayModuleTypeExtensionsTypeDef = Literal["cdk", "cfn", "k8s", "sls", "tf", "web"]
[docs]class RunwayModuleType:
"""Runway configuration ``type`` settings object.
The ``type`` property of a Runway configuration can be
used to explicitly specify what module type you are
intending to deploy.
Runway determines the type of module you are trying to
deploy in 3 different ways. First, it will check for the
``type`` property as described here, next it will look
for a suffix as described in :ref:`Module Definition<runway-module>`,
and finally it will attempt to autodetect your module
type by scanning the files of the project. If none of
those settings produces a valid result an error will
occur. The following are valid explicit types:
| Type | IaC Tool/Framework |
| ``cdk`` | AWS CDK |
| ``cloudformation`` | CloudFormation |
| ``serverless`` | Serverless Framework |
| ``terraform`` | Terraform |
| ``kubernetes`` | Kubernetes |
| ``static`` | :ref:`Static Site<mod-staticsite>` |
Even when specifying a module ``type`` the module structure
needs to be conducive with that type of project. If the files contained
within don't match the type then an error will occur.
EXTENSION_MAP: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {
"cdk": "runway.module.cdk.CloudDevelopmentKit",
"cfn": "runway.module.cloudformation.CloudFormation",
"k8s": "runway.module.k8s.K8s",
"sls": "runway.module.serverless.Serverless",
"tf": "runway.module.terraform.Terraform",
"web": "runway.module.staticsite.handler.StaticSite",
TYPE_MAP: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {
"cdk": EXTENSION_MAP["cdk"],
"cloudformation": EXTENSION_MAP["cfn"],
"kubernetes": EXTENSION_MAP["k8s"],
"serverless": EXTENSION_MAP["sls"],
"static": EXTENSION_MAP["web"],
"terraform": EXTENSION_MAP["tf"],
[docs] def __init__(
path: Path,
class_path: Optional[str] = None,
type_str: Optional[RunwayModuleTypeTypeDef] = None,
) -> None:
"""Instantiate class.
Keyword Args:
path: The required path to the module
class_path: A supplied class_path to override the autodetected one.
type_str: An explicit type to assign to the RunwayModuleType
self.path = path
self.class_path = class_path
self.type_str = type_str
self.module_class = self._determine_module_class()
def _determine_module_class(self) -> Type[RunwayModule]:
"""Determine type of module and return deployment module class.
object: The specified module class
if self.class_path:
'module class "%s" determined from explicit definition',
if not self.class_path and self.type_str:
self.class_path = self.TYPE_MAP.get(self.type_str, None)
if self.class_path:
'module class "%s" determined from explicit type', self.class_path
if not self.class_path:
if self.class_path:
'module class "%s" determined from path extension', self.class_path
if not self.class_path:
if not self.class_path:
'module class could not be determined from path "%s"',
return cast(Type["RunwayModule"], load_object_from_string(self.class_path))
def _set_class_path_based_on_extension(self) -> None:
"""Based on the directory suffix set the class_path."""
basename = os.path.basename(self.path)
basename_split = basename.split(".")
extension = basename_split[len(basename_split) - 1]
self.class_path = self.EXTENSION_MAP.get(extension, None)
if self.class_path:
'module class "%s" determined from path extension "%s"',
def _set_class_path_based_on_autodetection(self) -> None:
"""Based on the files detected in the base path set the class_path."""
if (
(self.path / sls).is_file()
for sls in ["serverless.js", "serverless.ts", "serverless.yml"]
and (self.path / "package.json").is_file()
self.class_path = self.TYPE_MAP.get("serverless", None)
elif next(self.path.glob("*.tf"), None):
self.class_path = self.TYPE_MAP.get("terraform", None)
elif (self.path / "cdk.json").is_file() and (
self.path / "package.json"
self.class_path = self.TYPE_MAP.get("cdk", None)
elif (self.path / "overlays").is_dir() and self._find_kustomize_files():
self.class_path = self.TYPE_MAP.get("kubernetes", None)
elif (
next(self.path.glob("*.env"), None)
or next(self.path.glob("*.yaml"), None)
or next(self.path.glob("*.yml"), None)
self.class_path = self.TYPE_MAP.get("cloudformation", None)
if self.class_path:
'module class "%s" determined from autodetection', self.class_path
def _find_kustomize_files(self) -> bool:
"""Return true if kustomize yaml file found.
boolean: Whether the kustomize yaml exist
for _root, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.path):
for filename in filenames:
if filename == "kustomization.yaml":
return True
return False