Source code for runway.core.components._module_path

"""Handler for the ``path`` field of a Runway module."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, Dict, Optional, Type, Union
from urllib.parse import parse_qs

from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from ...compat import cached_property
from ...config.components.runway import RunwayModuleDefinition
from ...config.models.runway import RunwayModuleDefinitionModel
from ...sources.git import Git
from ._deploy_environment import DeployEnvironment

    from ...sources.source import Source

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ModulePathMetadataTypeDef(TypedDict):
    """Type definition for ModulePath.metadata."""

    arguments: Dict[str, str]
    cache_dir: Path
    location: str
    source: str
    uri: str

[docs]class ModulePath: """Handler for the ``path`` field of a Runway module.""" ARGS_REGEX: ClassVar[str] = r"(\?)(?P<args>.*)$" REMOTE_SOURCE_HANDLERS: ClassVar[Dict[str, Type[Source]]] = {"git": Git} SOURCE_REGEX: ClassVar[str] = r"(?P<source>[a-z]+)(\:\:)" URI_REGEX: ClassVar[str] = r"(?P<uri>[a-z]+://[a-zA-Z0-9\./-]+?(?=//|\?|$))"
[docs] def __init__( self, definition: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, *, cache_dir: Path, deploy_environment: Optional[DeployEnvironment] = None, ) -> None: """Instantiate class. Args: definition: Path definition. cache_dir: Directory to use for caching if needed. deploy_environment: Current deploy environment object. """ self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.definition = definition or Path.cwd() self.env = deploy_environment or DeployEnvironment()
@cached_property def arguments(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Remote source arguments.""" if isinstance(self.definition, str): match = re.match(rf"^.*{self.ARGS_REGEX}", self.definition) if match: return { k: ",".join(v) for k, v in parse_qs("args")).items() } return {} @cached_property def location(self) -> str: """Location of the module.""" if isinstance(self.definition, str): if ( re.match(r"^(/|//|\.|\./)", self.definition) or "::" not in self.definition ): return re.sub(self.ARGS_REGEX, "", self.definition) no_src = re.sub(rf"^{self.SOURCE_REGEX}", "", self.definition) no_uri = re.sub(rf"^{self.URI_REGEX}", "", no_src) match ="//(?P<location>[^\?\n]*)", no_uri) if match: return"location") return "./" @cached_property def metadata(self) -> ModulePathMetadataTypeDef: """Information that describes the module path.""" return { "arguments": self.arguments, "cache_dir": self.cache_dir, "location": self.location, "source": self.source, "uri": self.uri, } @cached_property def module_root(self) -> Path: """Root directory of the module.""" if isinstance(self.definition, Path): return self.definition if self.source != "local": return self._fetch_remote_source() return self.env.root_dir / self.location @cached_property def source(self) -> str: """Source of the module.""" if isinstance(self.definition, str): match = re.match(rf"^{self.SOURCE_REGEX}.*$", self.definition) if match: return"source") return "local" @cached_property def uri(self) -> str: """Remote source URI.""" if isinstance(self.definition, str): match = re.match(rf"^{self.SOURCE_REGEX}{self.URI_REGEX}", self.definition) if match: return"uri") return "" def _fetch_remote_source(self) -> Path: """Fetch remote module source. Raises: NotImplementedError: The supplied source does not have a handler. """ try: return self.REMOTE_SOURCE_HANDLERS[self.source](**self.metadata).fetch() except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.source} is not a supported Runway module source" ) from None
[docs] @classmethod def parse_obj( cls, obj: Optional[ Union[Path, RunwayModuleDefinition, RunwayModuleDefinitionModel, str] ], *, cache_dir: Path, deploy_environment: Optional[DeployEnvironment] = None, ) -> ModulePath: """Parse object. Args: obj: Object to parse. cache_dir: Directory to use for caching if needed. deploy_environment: Current deploy environment object. Raises: TypeError: Unsupported type provided. """ if isinstance(obj, (RunwayModuleDefinition, RunwayModuleDefinitionModel)): return cls( cache_dir=cache_dir, definition=obj.path, deploy_environment=deploy_environment, ) if isinstance(obj, (type(None), Path, str)): return cls( cache_dir=cache_dir, definition=obj, deploy_environment=deploy_environment, ) raise TypeError( f"object type {type(obj)}; expected pathlib.Path, " "RunwayModuleDefinition, RunwayModuleDefinitionModel, or str" )