Source code for runway.core.components._module

"""Runway module object."""

from __future__ import annotations

import concurrent.futures
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast

import yaml

from ..._logging import PrefixAdaptor
from ...compat import cached_property
from ...config.components.runway import RunwayVariablesDefinition
from ...config.models.runway import (
from ...utils import change_dir, flatten_path_lists, merge_dicts
from ..providers import aws
from ._module_path import ModulePath
from ._module_type import RunwayModuleType

    from ..._logging import RunwayLogger
    from ...config.components.runway import (
    from ...config.models.runway import RunwayEnvironmentsType
    from ...context import RunwayContext
    from ..type_defs import RunwayActionTypeDef

LOGGER = cast("RunwayLogger", logging.getLogger(__name__.replace("._", ".")))

[docs]class Module: """Runway module.""" ctx: RunwayContext logger: PrefixAdaptor name: str
[docs] def __init__( self, context: RunwayContext, definition: RunwayModuleDefinition, deployment: RunwayDeploymentDefinition = None, future: RunwayFutureDefinitionModel = None, variables: RunwayVariablesDefinition = None, ) -> None: """Instantiate class. Args: context: Runway context object. definition: A single module definition. deployment: Deployment that this module is a part of. future: Future functionality configuration. variables: Runway variables. """ self.__deployment = deployment self.__future = future or RunwayFutureDefinitionModel() self.__variables = variables or RunwayVariablesDefinition( RunwayVariablesDefinitionModel() ) self.ctx = context.copy() # each module has it's own instance of context definition.resolve(self.ctx, variables=variables) self.definition = definition = self.logger = PrefixAdaptor(self.fqn, LOGGER)
@cached_property def child_modules(self) -> List[Module]: """Return child modules.""" return [ self.__class__( context=self.ctx, definition=child, deployment=self.__deployment, future=self.__future, variables=self.__variables, ) for child in self.definition.child_modules ] @cached_property def environment_matches_defined(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Environment matches one of the defined environments. Will return None if there is nothing defined for the current environment. """ return validate_environment(self.ctx, self.environments, logger=self.logger) @cached_property def environments(self) -> RunwayEnvironmentsType: """Environments defined for the deployment and module.""" tmp: RunwayEnvironmentsType = self.definition.environments if self.__deployment: tmp = merge_dicts(self.__deployment.environments, tmp) if self.opts_from_file: tmp = merge_dicts(tmp, self.opts_from_file.get("environments", {})) return tmp @cached_property def fqn(self): """Fully qualified name.""" if not self.__deployment: return return f"{}.{}" @cached_property def opts_from_file(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load module options from local file.""" opts_file = self.path.module_root / "runway.module.yml" if opts_file.is_file(): self.logger.verbose("module-level config file found") return yaml.safe_load(opts_file.read_text()) return {} @cached_property def path(self) -> ModulePath: # lazy load the path """Return resolve module path.""" return ModulePath.parse_obj( self.definition, cache_dir=self.ctx.work_dir / "cache", deploy_environment=self.ctx.env, ) @cached_property def payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # lazy load the payload """Return payload to be passed to module class handler class.""" payload: Dict[str, Any] = {} if self.__deployment: payload.update( { "options": self.__deployment.module_options, "parameters": self.__deployment.parameters, } ) payload = merge_dicts(payload, payload = merge_dicts(payload, self.opts_from_file) payload["explicitly_enabled"] = bool(self.environment_matches_defined) self.__merge_env_vars(payload.pop("env_vars", {})) return payload @cached_property def should_skip(self) -> bool: """Whether the module should be skipped by Runway.""" if isinstance(self.environment_matches_defined, bool): return not self.environment_matches_defined return False @cached_property def type(self) -> RunwayModuleType: """Determine Runway module type.""" return RunwayModuleType( path=self.path.module_root, class_path=self.definition.class_path, type_str=self.definition.type, ) @cached_property def use_async(self) -> bool: """Whether to use asynchronous method.""" return bool(self.definition.child_modules and self.ctx.use_concurrent)
[docs] def deploy(self) -> None: """Deploy the module. High level method for running a module. """ if not self.child_modules: return"deploy") if self.use_async: return self.__async("deploy") return self.__sync("deploy")
[docs] def destroy(self) -> None: """Destroy the module. High level method for running a module. """ if not self.child_modules: return"destroy") if self.use_async: return self.__async("destroy") return self.__sync("destroy")
[docs] def init(self) -> None: """Initialize/bootstrap module. High level method for running a deployment. """ if not self.child_modules: return"init") if self.use_async: return self.__async("init") return self.__sync("init")
[docs] def plan(self) -> None: """Plan for the next deploy of the module. High level method for running a module. """ if not self.child_modules: return"plan") if self.use_async: "processing of modules will be done in parallel during deploy/destroy" ) return self.__sync("plan")
[docs] def run(self, action: RunwayActionTypeDef) -> None: """Run a single module. Low level API access to run a module object. Args: action: Name of action to run. """"") self.logger.notice( "processing module in %s (in progress)", self.ctx.env.aws_region ) self.logger.verbose("module payload: %s", json.dumps(self.payload)) if self.should_skip: return with change_dir(self.path.module_root): # dynamically load the particular module's class, 'get' the method # associated with the command, and call the method. inst = self.type.module_class( self.ctx, module_root=self.path.module_root, **self.payload ) if hasattr(inst, action): inst[action]() else: self.logger.error('"%s" is missing method "%s"', inst, action) sys.exit(1) self.logger.success( "processing module in %s (complete)", self.ctx.env.aws_region )
def __async(self, action: RunwayActionTypeDef) -> None: """Execute asynchronously. Args: action: Name of action to run. """ "processing modules in parallel... (output will be interwoven)" ) # Can't use threading or ThreadPoolExecutor here because # we need to be able to do things like `cd` which is not # thread safe. with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.ctx.env.max_concurrent_modules, mp_context=multiprocessing.get_context("fork"), ) as executor: futures = [ executor.submit(, *[action]) for child in self.child_modules ] for job in futures: job.result() # raise exceptions / exit as needed def __sync(self, action: RunwayActionTypeDef) -> None: """Execute synchronously. Args: action: Name of action to run. """"processing modules sequentially...") for module in self.child_modules: def __merge_env_vars(self, env_vars: RunwayEnvVarsType) -> None: """Merge defined env_vars into context.env_vars.""" if env_vars: resolved_env_vars = flatten_path_lists(env_vars, str(self.ctx.env.root_dir)) if resolved_env_vars: self.logger.verbose( "environment variable overrides are being applied to this module" ) self.logger.debug( "environment variable overrides: %s", resolved_env_vars ) self.ctx.env.vars = merge_dicts(self.ctx.env.vars, resolved_env_vars)
[docs] @classmethod def run_list( cls, action: RunwayActionTypeDef, context: RunwayContext, modules: List[RunwayModuleDefinition], variables: RunwayVariablesDefinition, deployment: RunwayDeploymentDefinition = None, future: Optional[RunwayFutureDefinitionModel] = None, ) -> None: """Run a list of modules. Args: action: Name of action to run. context: Runway context. modules: List of modules to run. variables: Variable definition for resolving lookups in the module. deployment: Deployment the modules are a part of. future: Future functionality configuration. """ for module in modules: cls( context=context, definition=module, deployment=deployment, future=future, variables=variables, )[action]()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: """Make the object subscriptable. Args: key: Attribute to get. """ return getattr(self, key)
def validate_environment( context: RunwayContext, env_def: Optional[Union[bool, Dict[str, Any], int, str, List[str]]], logger: Union[PrefixAdaptor, RunwayLogger] = LOGGER, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if an environment should be deployed to. Args: context: Runway context object. env_def: Runway module definition. logger: Logger to log messages to. Returns: Boolean value of whether to deploy or not. """ if isinstance(env_def, bool) or not env_def: if env_def is True: logger.verbose("explicitly enabled") elif env_def is False:"skipped; explicitly disabled") else: logger.verbose("environment not defined; module will determine deployment") env_def = None return cast(Optional[bool], env_def) if isinstance(env_def, dict): if not in env_def:"skipped; environment not in definition") return False return validate_environment( context, cast(Any, env_def.get(, False)), logger=logger ) account = aws.AccountDetails(context) accepted_values = [ f"{}/{context.env.aws_region}",, context.env.aws_region, int(, ] result = False if isinstance(env_def, (int, str)): logger.debug('checking if "%s" in %s', env_def, accepted_values) result = env_def in accepted_values elif isinstance(env_def, list): # type: ignore logger.debug("checking if any(%s in %s)", env_def, accepted_values) result = any(val in env_def for val in accepted_values) else: logger.warning('skipped; unsupported type for environments "%s"', type(env_def)) return False if not result:"skipped; account_id/region mismatch") return result