Source code for runway.core.components._deploy_environment

"""Runway deploy environment object."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, cast

import click

from ...compat import cached_property
from ...mixins import DelCachedPropMixin
from ...type_defs import EnvVarsAwsCredentialsTypeDef
from ...utils import AWS_ENV_VARS

try:  # will raise an import error if git is not in the current path
    import git
    from git.exc import InvalidGitRepositoryError
except ImportError:  # cov: ignore
    git = object  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    InvalidGitRepositoryError = AttributeError

    from ..._logging import RunwayLogger

LOGGER = cast("RunwayLogger", logging.getLogger(__name__.replace("._", ".")))

[docs]class DeployEnvironment(DelCachedPropMixin): """Runway deploy environment.""" __name: Optional[str] _ignore_git_branch: bool name_derived_from: Optional[str] root_dir: Path
[docs] def __init__( self, *, environ: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, explicit_name: Optional[str] = None, ignore_git_branch: bool = False, root_dir: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> None: """Instantiate class. Args: environ: Environment variables. explicit_name: Explicitly provide the deploy environment name. ignore_git_branch: Ignore the git branch when determining the deploy environment name. root_dir: Root directory of the project. """ self.__name = explicit_name self._ignore_git_branch = ignore_git_branch self.name_derived_from = "explicit" if self.__name else None self.root_dir = root_dir or Path.cwd() self.vars = environ or os.environ.copy()
@property def aws_credentials(self) -> EnvVarsAwsCredentialsTypeDef: """Get AWS credentials from environment variables.""" return EnvVarsAwsCredentialsTypeDef( **{name: self.vars[name] for name in AWS_ENV_VARS if self.vars.get(name)} ) @property def aws_profile(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get AWS profile from environment variables.""" return self.vars.get("AWS_PROFILE") @aws_profile.setter def aws_profile(self, profile_name: str) -> None: """Set AWS profile in the environment.""" self._update_vars({"AWS_PROFILE": profile_name}) @property def aws_region(self) -> str: """Get AWS region from environment variables.""" return self.vars.get( "AWS_REGION", self.vars.get("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", "us-east-1") ) @aws_region.setter def aws_region(self, region: str) -> None: """Set AWS region environment variables.""" self._update_vars({"AWS_DEFAULT_REGION": region, "AWS_REGION": region}) @cached_property def branch_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Git branch name.""" if isinstance(git, type): LOGGER.debug( "failed to import git; ensure git is your path and " "executable to read the branch name" ) return None try: LOGGER.debug("getting git branch name...") return git.Repo( # type: ignore str(self.root_dir), search_parent_directories=True ) except InvalidGitRepositoryError: return None except TypeError: LOGGER.warning("Unable to retrieve the current git branch name!") LOGGER.warning( "Typically this occurs when operating in a " "detached-head state (e.g. what Jenkins uses when " "checking out a git branch). Set the " "DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to the " 'name of the logical environment (e.g. "export ' 'DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT=dev") to bypass this error.' ) sys.exit(1) @property def ci(self) -> bool: """Return CI status. Returns: bool """ return "CI" in self.vars @ci.setter def ci(self, value: Any) -> None: """Set the value of CI.""" if value: self._update_vars({"CI": "1"}) else: self.vars.pop("CI", None) @ci.deleter def ci(self) -> None: """Delete the value of CI.""" self.vars.pop("CI", None) @property def debug(self) -> bool: """Get debug setting from the environment.""" return "DEBUG" in self.vars @debug.setter def debug(self, value: Any) -> None: """Set the value of DEBUG.""" if value: self._update_vars({"DEBUG": "1"}) else: self.vars.pop("DEBUG", None) @property def ignore_git_branch(self) -> bool: """Whether to ignore git branch when determining name.""" return self._ignore_git_branch @ignore_git_branch.setter def ignore_git_branch(self, value: bool) -> None: """Set the value of ignore_git_branch. Cached name is deleted when changing this value. """ if self._ignore_git_branch != value: self._ignore_git_branch = value self._del_cached_property("name") LOGGER.debug( "value of ignore_git_branch has changed; " "cleared cached name so it can be determined again" ) @property def max_concurrent_cfngin_stacks(self) -> int: """Max number of CFNgin stacks that can be deployed concurrently. This property can be set by exporting ``RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_CFNGIN_STACKS``. If no value is specified, the value will be constrained based on the underlying graph. Returns: Value from environment variable or ``0``. """ return int(self.vars.get("RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_CFNGIN_STACKS", "0")) @max_concurrent_cfngin_stacks.setter def max_concurrent_cfngin_stacks(self, value: int) -> None: """Set RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_CFNGIN_STACKS.""" self._update_vars({"RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_CFNGIN_STACKS": str(value)}) @property def max_concurrent_modules(self) -> int: """Max number of modules that can be deployed to concurrently. This property can be set by exporting ``RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_MODULES``. If no value is specified, ``min(61, os.cpu_count())`` is used. On Windows, this must be equal to or lower than ``61``. **IMPORTANT:** When using ``parallel_regions`` and ``child_modules`` together, please consider the nature of their relationship when manually setting this value. (``parallel_regions * child_modules``) Returns: Value from environment variable or ``min(61, os.cpu_count())`` """ value = self.vars.get("RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_MODULES") if value: return int(value) return min(61, os.cpu_count() or 61) @max_concurrent_modules.setter def max_concurrent_modules(self, value: int) -> None: """Set RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_MODULES.""" self._update_vars({"RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_MODULES": str(value)}) @property def max_concurrent_regions(self) -> int: """Max number of regions that can be deployed to concurrently. This property can be set by exporting ``RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_REGIONS``. If no value is specified, ``min(61, os.cpu_count())`` is used. On Windows, this must be equal to or lower than ``61``. **IMPORTANT:** When using ``parallel_regions`` and ``child_modules`` together, please consider the nature of their relationship when manually setting this value. (``parallel_regions * child_modules``) Returns: Value from environment variable or ``min(61, os.cpu_count())`` """ value = self.vars.get("RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_REGIONS") if value: return int(value) return min(61, os.cpu_count() or 61) @max_concurrent_regions.setter def max_concurrent_regions(self, value: int) -> None: """Set RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_REGIONS.""" self._update_vars({"RUNWAY_MAX_CONCURRENT_REGIONS": str(value)}) @cached_property def name(self) -> str: """Deploy environment name.""" if self.__name: name = self.__name elif not self.ignore_git_branch and self.branch_name: self.name_derived_from = self.name_derived_from or "branch" name = self._parse_branch_name() else: self.name_derived_from = "directory" if"ENV-"): LOGGER.verbose( 'stripped "ENV-" from the directory name "%s"', ) name =[4:] else: name = if not name: raise ValueError("could not determine deploy environment name") if self.vars.get("DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT") != name: self._update_vars({"DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT": name}) return name @property def verbose(self) -> bool: """Get verbose setting from the environment.""" return "VERBOSE" in self.vars @verbose.setter def verbose(self, value: Any) -> None: """Set the value of VERBOSE.""" if value: self._update_vars({"VERBOSE": "1"}) else: self.vars.pop("VERBOSE", None)
[docs] def copy(self) -> DeployEnvironment: """Copy the contents of this object into a new instance. Returns: DeployEnvironment: New instance with the same contents. """ LOGGER.debug("creating a copy of the deploy environment...") obj = self.__class__( environ=self.vars.copy(),, ignore_git_branch=self._ignore_git_branch, root_dir=self.root_dir, ) obj.name_derived_from = self.name_derived_from return obj
[docs] def log_name(self) -> None: """Output name to log.""" name = # resolve if not already resolved if self.name_derived_from == "explicit": 'deploy environment "%s" is explicitly defined in the environment', name ) "if not correct, update the value or unset it to fall back " "to the name of the current git branch or parent directory" ) elif self.name_derived_from == "branch": 'deploy environment "%s" was determined from the current git branch', name, ) "if not correct, update the branch name or set an override " "via the DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT environment variable" ) elif self.name_derived_from == "directory": 'deploy environment "%s" was determined from the current directory', name, ) "if not correct, update the directory name or set an " "override via the DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT environment variable" )
def _parse_branch_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Parse branch name for use as deploy environment name.""" if self.branch_name: if self.branch_name.startswith("ENV-"): LOGGER.verbose( 'stripped "ENV-" from the branch name "%s"', self.branch_name ) return self.branch_name[4:] if self.branch_name == "master": LOGGER.verbose('translated branch name "master" to "common"') return "common" if not LOGGER.warning('Found unexpected branch name "%s"', self.branch_name) result = click.prompt( "Deploy environment name", default=self.branch_name, type=click.STRING ) if result != self.branch_name: self.name_derived_from = "explicit" return result return self.branch_name def _update_vars(self, env_vars: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Update vars and log the change. Args: env_vars (Dict[str, str]): Dict to update self.vars with. """ self.vars.update(env_vars) LOGGER.verbose("updated environment variables: %s", json.dumps(env_vars))