Source code for runway.context._cfngin

"""CFNgin context."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, MutableMapping, Optional, Union, cast

from pydantic import BaseModel

from .._logging import PrefixAdaptor, RunwayLogger
from ..cfngin.exceptions import (
from ..cfngin.plan import Graph
from ..cfngin.stack import Stack
from ..cfngin.utils import ensure_s3_bucket
from ..compat import cached_property
from ..config import CfnginConfig
from ..core.components import DeployEnvironment
from ._base import BaseContext

    from mypy_boto3_s3.client import S3Client

    from .type_defs import PersistentGraphLocation

LOGGER = cast(RunwayLogger, logging.getLogger(__name__))

def get_fqn(base_fqn: str, delimiter: str, name: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    """Return the fully qualified name of an object within this context.

    If the name passed already appears to be a fully qualified name, it
    will be returned with no further processing.

    if name and name.startswith(f"{base_fqn}{delimiter}"):
        return name

    return delimiter.join([_f for _f in [base_fqn, name] if _f])

[docs]class CfnginContext(BaseContext): """CFNgin context object. Attributes: bucket_region: Region where the S3 Bucket is located. The S3 Bucket being the Bucket configured for staging CloudFormation Templates. config: CFNgin configuration file that has been resolved & parsed into a python object. config_path: Path to the configuration file that has been resolved, parsed and made accessible via this object. env: Deploy environment object containing information about the current deploy environment. force_stacks: List of stacks to force. hook_data: Values returned by hooks that are stored based on the ``data_key`` defined for the hook. Returned values are only stored if a ``data_key`` was provided AND the return value is a dict or ``pydantic.BaseModel``. logger: Custom logger to use when logging messages. parameters: Parameters passed from Runway or read from a file. stack_names: List of Stack names to operate on. If value is falsy, all Stacks defined in the config will be operated on. """ _persistent_graph_lock_code: Optional[str] _persistent_graph_lock_tag: str = "cfngin_lock_code" _persistent_graph: Optional[Graph] _s3_bucket_verified: bool bucket_region: str config: CfnginConfig config_path: Path env: DeployEnvironment force_stacks: List[str] hook_data: Dict[str, Any] logger: Union[PrefixAdaptor, RunwayLogger] parameters: MutableMapping[str, Any] stack_names: List[str]
[docs] def __init__( self, *, config: Optional[CfnginConfig] = None, config_path: Optional[Path] = None, deploy_environment: Optional[DeployEnvironment] = None, force_stacks: Optional[List[str]] = None, logger: Union[PrefixAdaptor, RunwayLogger] = LOGGER, parameters: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None, stack_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, work_dir: Optional[Path] = None, **_: Any, ) -> None: """Instantiate class. Args: config: The CFNgin configuration being operated on. config_path: Path to the config file that was provided. deploy_environment: The current deploy environment. force_stacks: A list of stacks to force work on. Used to work on locked stacks. logger: Custom logger. parameters: Parameters passed from Runway or read from a file. stack_names: A list of stack_names to operate on. If not passed, all stacks defined in the config will be operated on. work_dir: Working directory used by Runway. """ self.config_path = config_path or Path.cwd() super().__init__( deploy_environment=deploy_environment or DeployEnvironment(), logger=PrefixAdaptor(".")[0], logger if isinstance(logger, RunwayLogger) else LOGGER, ), work_dir=work_dir or self.config_path / ".runway", ) self._persistent_graph_lock_code = None self._persistent_graph = None self._s3_bucket_verified = False self.config = config or CfnginConfig.parse_obj({"namespace": "example"}) self.bucket_region = self.config.cfngin_bucket_region or self.env.aws_region self.parameters = parameters or {} self.force_stacks = force_stacks or [] self.hook_data = {} self.stack_names = stack_names or []
@cached_property def base_fqn(self) -> str: """Return ``namespace`` sanitized for use as an S3 Bucket name.""" return self.config.namespace.replace(".", "-").lower() @cached_property def bucket_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return ``cfngin_bucket`` from config, calculated name, or None.""" if not self.upload_to_s3: return None return ( self.config.cfngin_bucket or f"cfngin-{self.get_fqn()}-{self.env.aws_region}" ) @cached_property def mappings(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]: """Return ``mappings`` from config.""" return self.config.mappings or {} @cached_property def namespace(self) -> str: """Return ``namespace`` from config.""" return self.config.namespace @cached_property def namespace_delimiter(self) -> str: """Return ``namespace_delimiter`` from config or default.""" return self.config.namespace_delimiter @cached_property def persistent_graph_location(self) -> PersistentGraphLocation: """Location of the persistent graph in s3.""" if not self.bucket_name or not self.config.persistent_graph_key: return {} key = ( self.config.persistent_graph_key + ".json" if not self.config.persistent_graph_key.endswith(".json") else self.config.persistent_graph_key ) return { "Bucket": self.bucket_name, "Key": f"persistent_graphs/{self.config.namespace}/{key}", } @property def persistent_graph_locked(self) -> bool: """Check if persistent graph is locked.""" if not self.persistent_graph: return False return bool(self.persistent_graph_lock_code) @property def persistent_graph_lock_code(self) -> Optional[str]: """Code used to lock the persistent graph S3 object.""" if not self._persistent_graph_lock_code and self.persistent_graph_location: self._persistent_graph_lock_code = self.persistent_graph_tags.get( self._persistent_graph_lock_tag ) return self._persistent_graph_lock_code @property def persistent_graph_tags(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Cache of tags on the persistent graph object.""" try: return { t["Key"]: t["Value"] for t in self.s3_client.get_object_tagging( **self.persistent_graph_location ).get("TagSet", []) } except self.s3_client.exceptions.NoSuchKey: self.logger.debug( "persistent graph object does not exist in S3; could not get tags" ) return {} @property def persistent_graph(self) -> Optional[Graph]: """Graph if a persistent graph is being used. Will create an "empty" object in S3 if one is not found. """ if not self._persistent_graph: if not self.persistent_graph_location: return None content = "{}" if self.s3_bucket_verified: try: self.logger.debug( "getting persistent graph from s3:\n%s", json.dumps(self.persistent_graph_location, indent=4), ) content = ( self.s3_client.get_object( ResponseContentType="application/json", **self.persistent_graph_location, )["Body"] .read() .decode("utf-8") ) except self.s3_client.exceptions.NoSuchKey: "persistent graph object does not exist in s3; " "creating one now..." ) self.s3_client.put_object( Body=content.encode(), ServerSideEncryption="AES256", ACL="bucket-owner-full-control", ContentType="application/json", **self.persistent_graph_location, ) self.persistent_graph = Graph.from_dict(json.loads(content), self) return self._persistent_graph @persistent_graph.setter def persistent_graph(self, graph: Optional[Graph]) -> None: """Load a persistent graph dict as a :class:`runway.cfngin.plan.Graph`.""" self._persistent_graph = graph @property def s3_bucket_verified(self) -> bool: """Check CFNgin bucket exists and you have access. If the CFNgin bucket does not exist, will try to create one. """ if not self._s3_bucket_verified and self.bucket_name: ensure_s3_bucket( self.s3_client, self.bucket_name, self.bucket_region, create=False, persist_graph=bool(self.persistent_graph_location), ) self._s3_bucket_verified = True return bool(self._s3_bucket_verified) @cached_property def s3_client(self) -> S3Client: """AWS S3 client.""" return self.get_session(region=self.bucket_region).client("s3") @cached_property def stacks_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Stack]: """Construct a dict of ``{stack.fqn: Stack}`` for easy access to stacks.""" return {stack.fqn: stack for stack in self.stacks} @cached_property def stacks(self) -> List[Stack]: """Stacks for the current action.""" return [ Stack( context=self, definition=stack_def, enabled=stack_def.enabled, in self.force_stacks, locked=stack_def.locked, mappings=self.mappings, protected=stack_def.protected, ) for stack_def in self.config.stacks ] @cached_property def tags(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return ``tags`` from config.""" return ( self.config.tags if self.config.tags is not None else ( {"cfngin_namespace": self.config.namespace} if self.config.namespace else {} ) ) @cached_property def template_indent(self) -> int: """Return ``template_indent`` from config or default.""" return self.config.template_indent @cached_property def upload_to_s3(self) -> bool: """Check if S3 should be used for caching/persistent graph.""" # Don't upload stack templates to S3 if `cfngin_bucket` is # explicitly set to an empty string. if self.config.cfngin_bucket == "": self.logger.debug( "not uploading to s3; cfngin_bucket " "is explicitly set to an empty string" ) return False # If no namespace is specified, and there's no explicit # cfngin bucket specified, don't upload to s3. This makes # sense because we can't realistically auto generate a cfngin # bucket name in this case. if not self.config.namespace and not self.config.cfngin_bucket: self.logger.debug( "not uploading to s3; namespace & cfngin_bucket not provided" ) return False return True
[docs] def copy(self) -> CfnginContext: """Copy the contents of this object into a new instance.""" return self.__class__( config_path=self.config_path, config=self.config, deploy_environment=self.env.copy(), force_stacks=self.force_stacks, logger=self.logger, parameters=self.parameters, stack_name=self.stack_names, work_dir=self.work_dir, )
[docs] def get_fqn(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Return the fully qualified name of an object within this context. If the name passed already appears to be a fully qualified name, it will be returned with no further processing. """ return get_fqn(self.base_fqn, self.config.namespace_delimiter, name)
[docs] def get_stack(self, name: str) -> Optional[Stack]: """Get a stack by name. Args: name: Name of a Stack as defined in the config. """ stack_fqn = self.get_fqn(name) if stack_fqn in self.stacks_dict: # quickly get stack from fqn return self.stacks_dict[stack_fqn] # account for stack def using stack_name and was provided for stack in self.stacks: if == name: return stack return None
[docs] def lock_persistent_graph(self, lock_code: str) -> None: """Locks the persistent graph in s3. Args: lock_code: The code that will be used to lock the S3 object. Raises: :class:`runway.cfngin.exceptions.PersistentGraphLocked` :class:`runway.cfngin.exceptions.PersistentGraphCannotLock` """ if not self.persistent_graph: return if self.persistent_graph_locked: raise PersistentGraphLocked try: self.s3_client.put_object_tagging( Tagging={ "TagSet": [ {"Key": self._persistent_graph_lock_tag, "Value": lock_code} ] }, **self.persistent_graph_location, ) 'locked persistent graph "%s" with lock ID "%s"', "/".join( [ self.persistent_graph_location["Bucket"], self.persistent_graph_location["Key"], ] ), lock_code, ) except self.s3_client.exceptions.NoSuchKey as exc: raise PersistentGraphCannotLock("s3 object does not exist") from exc
[docs] def put_persistent_graph(self, lock_code: str) -> None: """Upload persistent graph to s3. Args: lock_code (str): The code that will be used to lock the S3 object. Raises: :class:`runway.cfngin.exceptions.PersistentGraphUnlocked` :class:`runway.cfngin.exceptions.PersistentGraphLockCodeMismatch` """ if not self.persistent_graph: return if not self.persistent_graph.to_dict(): self.s3_client.delete_object(**self.persistent_graph_location) self.logger.debug("removed empty persistent graph object from S3") return if not self.persistent_graph_locked: raise PersistentGraphUnlocked( reason="It must be locked by the current session to be updated." ) if self.persistent_graph_lock_code != lock_code: raise PersistentGraphLockCodeMismatch( lock_code, self.persistent_graph_lock_code ) self.s3_client.put_object( Body=self.persistent_graph.dumps(4).encode(), ServerSideEncryption="AES256", ACL="bucket-owner-full-control", ContentType="application/json", Tagging=f"{self._persistent_graph_lock_tag}={lock_code}", **self.persistent_graph_location, ) self.logger.debug( "persistent graph updated:\n%s", self.persistent_graph.dumps(indent=4) )
[docs] def set_hook_data(self, key: str, data: Any) -> None: """Set hook data for the given key. Args: key: The key to store the hook data in. data: A dictionary of data to store, as returned from a hook. """ if not isinstance(data, (BaseModel, raise TypeError( f"Hook data (key: {key}) must be an instance of " " (a dictionary for example) or pydantic.BaseModel." ) if key in self.hook_data: raise KeyError( f"Hook data for key {key} already exists, each hook " "must have a unique data_key." ) self.hook_data[key] = data
[docs] def unlock_persistent_graph(self, lock_code: str) -> bool: """Unlocks the persistent graph in s3. Args: lock_code: The code that will be used to lock the S3 object. Raises: :class:`runway.cfngin.exceptions.PersistentGraphCannotUnlock` """ if not self.persistent_graph: return True if not self.persistent_graph.to_dict(): try: self.s3_client.get_object( ResponseContentType="application/json", **self.persistent_graph_location, ) except self.s3_client.exceptions.NoSuchKey: "persistent graph deleted; does not need to be unlocked" ) return True self.logger.verbose( 'unlocking persistent graph "%s"...', self.persistent_graph_location ) if not self.persistent_graph_locked: raise PersistentGraphCannotUnlock( PersistentGraphUnlocked( reason="It must be locked by the current session to be unlocked." ) ) if self.persistent_graph_lock_code == lock_code: try: self.s3_client.delete_object_tagging(**self.persistent_graph_location) except self.s3_client.exceptions.NoSuchKey: pass self._persistent_graph_lock_code = None 'unlocked persistent graph "%s/%s"', self.persistent_graph_location.get("Bucket"), self.persistent_graph_location.get("Key"), ) return True raise PersistentGraphCannotUnlock( PersistentGraphLockCodeMismatch(lock_code, self.persistent_graph_lock_code) )