Source code for runway.cfngin.hooks.keypair

"""AWS EC2 keypair hook."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from typing_extensions import Literal, TypedDict

from ...utils import BaseModel
from ..ui import get_raw_input

    from mypy_boto3_ec2.client import EC2Client
    from mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs import ImportKeyPairResultTypeDef, KeyPairTypeDef
    from mypy_boto3_ssm.client import SSMClient

    from ...context import CfnginContext

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

KEYPAIR_LOG_MESSAGE = "keypair %s (%s) %s"

[docs]class EnsureKeypairExistsHookArgs(BaseModel): """Hook arguments for ``ensure_keypair_exists``.""" keypair: str """Name of the key pair to ensure exists.""" public_key_path: Optional[str] = None """Path to a public key file to be imported instead of generating a new key. Incompatible with the SSM options, as the private key will not be available for storing. """ ssm_key_id: Optional[str] = None """ID of a KMS key to encrypt the SSM parameter with. If omitted, the default key will be used. """ ssm_parameter_name: Optional[str] = None """Path to an SSM store parameter to receive the generated private key instead of importing it or storing it locally. """
[docs]class KeyPairInfo(TypedDict, total=False): """Value returned from get_existing_key_pair.""" file_path: Path fingerprint: str key_name: str status: Literal["created", "exists", "imported"]
[docs]def get_existing_key_pair(ec2: EC2Client, keypair_name: str) -> Optional[KeyPairInfo]: """Get existing keypair.""" resp = ec2.describe_key_pairs() keypair = next( (kp for kp in resp.get("KeyPairs", []) if kp.get("KeyName") == keypair_name), None, ) if keypair: KEYPAIR_LOG_MESSAGE, keypair.get("KeyName"), keypair.get("KeyFingerprint"), "exists", ) return { "status": "exists", "key_name": keypair.get("KeyName", ""), "fingerprint": keypair.get("KeyFingerprint", ""), }'keypair "%s" not found', keypair_name) return None
[docs]def import_key_pair( ec2: EC2Client, keypair_name: str, public_key_data: bytes ) -> ImportKeyPairResultTypeDef: """Import keypair.""" keypair = ec2.import_key_pair( KeyName=keypair_name, PublicKeyMaterial=public_key_data.strip(), DryRun=False ) KEYPAIR_LOG_MESSAGE, keypair.get("KeyName"), keypair.get("KeyFingerprint"), "imported", ) return keypair
[docs]def read_public_key_file(path: Path) -> Optional[bytes]: """Read public key file.""" try: data = path.read_bytes() if not data.startswith(b"ssh-rsa"): raise ValueError( "Bad public key data, must be an RSA key in SSH authorized " "keys format (beginning with `ssh-rsa`)" ) return data.strip() except (ValueError, OSError) as err: LOGGER.error('failed to read public key file :%s": %s', path, str(err)) return None
[docs]def create_key_pair_from_public_key_file( ec2: EC2Client, keypair_name: str, public_key_path: Path ) -> Optional[KeyPairInfo]: """Create keypair from public key file.""" public_key_data = read_public_key_file(public_key_path) if not public_key_data: return None keypair = import_key_pair(ec2, keypair_name, public_key_data) return { "status": "imported", "key_name": keypair.get("KeyName", ""), "fingerprint": keypair.get("KeyFingerprint", ""), }
[docs]def create_key_pair_in_ssm( ec2: EC2Client, ssm: SSMClient, keypair_name: str, parameter_name: str, kms_key_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[KeyPairInfo]: """Create keypair in SSM.""" keypair = create_key_pair(ec2, keypair_name) try: kms_key_label = "default" kms_args: Dict[str, Any] = {} if kms_key_id: kms_key_label = kms_key_id kms_args = {"KeyId": kms_key_id} 'storing generated key in SSM parameter "%s" using KMS key "%s"', parameter_name, kms_key_label, ) ssm.put_parameter( Name=parameter_name, Description=f'SSH private key for KeyPair "{keypair_name}" (generated by Runway)', Value=keypair["KeyMaterial"], Type="SecureString", Overwrite=False, **kms_args, ) except ClientError: # Erase the key pair if we failed to store it in SSM, since the # private key will be lost anyway LOGGER.exception( "failed to store generated key in SSM; deleting " "created key pair as private key will be lost" ) ec2.delete_key_pair(KeyName=keypair_name, DryRun=False) return None return { "status": "created", "key_name": keypair.get("KeyName", ""), "fingerprint": keypair.get("KeyFingerprint", ""), }
[docs]def create_key_pair(ec2: EC2Client, keypair_name: str) -> KeyPairTypeDef: """Create keypair.""" keypair = ec2.create_key_pair(KeyName=keypair_name, DryRun=False) KEYPAIR_LOG_MESSAGE, keypair.get("KeyName"), keypair.get("KeyFingerprint"), "created", ) return keypair
[docs]def create_key_pair_local( ec2: EC2Client, keypair_name: str, dest_dir: Path ) -> Optional[KeyPairInfo]: """Create local keypair.""" dest_dir = dest_dir.resolve() if not dest_dir.is_dir(): LOGGER.error('"%s" is not a valid directory', dest_dir) return None key_path = dest_dir / f"{keypair_name}.pem" if key_path.is_file(): # This mimics the old boto2 error LOGGER.error('"%s" already exists in directory "%s"',, dest_dir) return None keypair = create_key_pair(ec2, keypair_name) key_path.write_text(keypair.get("KeyMaterial", ""), encoding="ascii") return { "status": "created", "key_name": keypair.get("KeyName", ""), "fingerprint": keypair.get("KeyFingerprint", ""), "file_path": key_path, }
[docs]def interactive_prompt( keypair_name: str, ) -> Tuple[Optional[Literal["create", "import"]], Optional[str]]: """Interactive prompt.""" if not sys.stdin.isatty(): return None, None try: while True: action = get_raw_input( f'import or create keypair "{keypair_name}"? (import/create/cancel) ' ) if action.lower() == "cancel": break if action.lower() in ("i", "import"): path = get_raw_input("path to keypair file: ") return "import", path.strip() if action.lower() == "create": path = get_raw_input("directory to save keyfile: ") return "create", path.strip() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): return None, None return None, None
[docs]def ensure_keypair_exists( context: CfnginContext, *__args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> KeyPairInfo: """Ensure a specific keypair exists within AWS. If the key doesn't exist, upload it. """ args = EnsureKeypairExistsHookArgs.parse_obj(kwargs) if args.public_key_path and args.ssm_parameter_name: LOGGER.error( "public_key_path and ssm_parameter_name cannot be " "specified at the same time" ) return {} session = context.get_session() ec2 = session.client("ec2") keypair_info = get_existing_key_pair(ec2, args.keypair) if keypair_info: return keypair_info if args.public_key_path: keypair_info = create_key_pair_from_public_key_file( ec2, args.keypair, Path(args.public_key_path) ) elif args.ssm_parameter_name: ssm = session.client("ssm") keypair_info = create_key_pair_in_ssm( ec2, ssm, args.keypair, args.ssm_parameter_name, args.ssm_key_id ) else: action, path = interactive_prompt(args.keypair) if action == "import" and path: keypair_info = create_key_pair_from_public_key_file( ec2, args.keypair, Path(path) ) elif action == "create" and path: keypair_info = create_key_pair_local(ec2, args.keypair, Path(path)) else: LOGGER.error("no action to find keypair or path not provided") if not keypair_info: return {} return keypair_info