Source code for runway.cfngin.hooks.awslambda.deployment_package

"""Deployment package."""

from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import hashlib
import logging
import mimetypes
import stat
import sys
import zipfile
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlencode

from typing_extensions import Final, Literal

from ....compat import cached_property
from import Bucket
from import (
from ....exceptions import RequiredTagNotFoundError
from ....mixins import DelCachedPropMixin
from ....utils import FileHash
from .base_classes import Project
from .exceptions import DeploymentPackageEmptyError
from .models.args import AwsLambdaHookArgs

    from pathlib import Path

    import igittigitt
    from mypy_boto3_s3.type_defs import HeadObjectOutputTypeDef, PutObjectOutputTypeDef

    from ...._logging import RunwayLogger

LOGGER = cast("RunwayLogger", logging.getLogger(__name__))

_ProjectTypeVar = TypeVar("_ProjectTypeVar", bound=Project[AwsLambdaHookArgs])

[docs]class DeploymentPackage(DelCachedPropMixin, Generic[_ProjectTypeVar]): """AWS Lambda Deployment Package. When interacting with subclass of this instance, it is recommended to only call the methods defined within this parent class. This ensures compatibility with the S3 object class that can be returned. """ META_TAGS: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = { "code_sha256": "runway.cfngin:awslambda.code_sha256", "compatible_architectures": "runway.cfngin:awslambda.compatible_architectures", "compatible_runtimes": "runway.cfngin:awslambda.compatible_runtimes", "license": "runway.cfngin:awslambda.license", "md5_checksum": "runway.cfngin:awslambda.md5_checksum", "runtime": "runway.cfngin:awslambda.runtime", "source_code.hash": "runway.cfngin:awslambda.source_code.hash", } """Mapping of metadata to the tag-key is is stored in on the S3 object.""" SIZE_EOCD: Final[Literal[22]] = 22 """Size of a zip file's End of Central Directory Record (empty zip).""" ZIPFILE_PERMISSION_MASK: ClassVar[int] = ( stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO ) << 16 """Mask to retrieve unix file permissions from the external attributes property of a ``zipfile.ZipInfo``. """ project: _ProjectTypeVar """Project that is being built into a deployment package.""" usage_type: Literal["function", "layer"] """How the deployment package can be used by AWS Lambda.""" _put_object_response: Optional[PutObjectOutputTypeDef] = None
[docs] def __init__( self, project: _ProjectTypeVar, usage_type: Literal["function", "layer"] = "function", ) -> None: """Instantiate class. The provided ``.init()`` class method should be used in place of direct instantiation. Args: project: Project that is being built into a deployment package. usage_type: How the deployment package can be used by AWS Lambda. """ self.project = project self.usage_type = usage_type
@cached_property def archive_file(self) -> Path: """Path to archive file. Because the archive file path contains runtime, it's use can cause a race condition or recursion error if used in some locations. If we removed runtime from the path we would not have a way to track changes to runtime which is more important than needing to be mindful of where this is used. """ return self.project.build_directory / ( f"{}." + ("layer." if self.usage_type == "layer" else "") + f"{self.runtime}.{self.project.source_code.md5_hash}.zip" ) @cached_property def bucket(self) -> Bucket: """AWS S3 bucket where deployment package will be uploaded.""" bucket = Bucket(self.project.ctx, self.project.args.bucket_name) if bucket.forbidden: raise BucketAccessDeniedError(bucket) if bucket.not_found: raise BucketNotFoundError(bucket) return bucket @cached_property def code_sha256(self) -> str: """SHA256 of the archive file. Returns: Value to pass to CloudFormation ``AWS::Lambda::Version.CodeSha256``. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Property accessed before archive file has been built. """ file_hash = FileHash(hashlib.sha256()) file_hash.add_file(self.archive_file) return base64.b64encode(file_hash.digest).decode() @cached_property def compatible_architectures(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """List of compatible instruction set architectures.""" return self.project.compatible_architectures @cached_property def compatible_runtimes(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """List of compatible runtimes.""" return self.project.compatible_runtimes @cached_property def exists(self) -> bool: """Whether the deployment package exists.""" if self.archive_file.exists(): return True return False @cached_property def gitignore_filter( self, ) -> Optional[igittigitt.IgnoreParser]: """Filter to use when zipping dependencies. This should be overridden by subclasses if a filter should be used. """ return None @cached_property def license(self) -> Optional[str]: """Software license for the project.""" return self.project.license @cached_property def md5_checksum(self) -> str: """MD5 of the archive file. Returns: Value to pass as ContentMD5 when uploading to AWS S3. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Property accessed before archive file has been built. """ file_hash = FileHash(hashlib.md5()) file_hash.add_file(self.archive_file) return base64.b64encode(file_hash.digest).decode() @cached_property def object_key(self) -> str: """Key to use when upload object to AWS S3.""" prefix = f"awslambda/{self.usage_type}s" if self.project.args.object_prefix: prefix = ( f"{prefix}/{self.project.args.object_prefix.lstrip('/').rstrip('/')}" ) return ( # this can't contain runtime - causes a cyclic dependency f"{prefix}/{}." f"{self.project.source_code.md5_hash}.zip" ) @cached_property def object_version_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """S3 object version ID. Returns: The ID of the current object version. This will only have a value if versioning is enabled on the bucket. """ if ( not self._put_object_response or "VersionId" not in self._put_object_response ): return None return self._put_object_response["VersionId"] @cached_property def runtime(self) -> str: """Runtime of the deployment package.""" return self.project.runtime
[docs] def build(self) -> Path: """Build the deployment package.""" if self.exists and self.archive_file.stat().st_size > self.SIZE_EOCD:"build skipped; %s already exists", return self.archive_file # we need to use runtime BEFORE the build process starts to allow runtime # errors to be raised early."building %s (%s)...",, self.runtime) with zipfile.ZipFile( self.archive_file, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED ) as archive_file: self._build_zip_dependencies(archive_file) self._build_zip_source_code(archive_file) self._build_fix_file_permissions(archive_file) if self.archive_file.stat().st_size <= self.SIZE_EOCD: raise DeploymentPackageEmptyError(self.archive_file) # clear cached properties so they can recalculate self._del_cached_property("code_sha256", "exists", "md5_checksum") return self.archive_file
def _build_fix_file_permissions(self, archive_file: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None: """Fix file permissions of the files contained within the archive file. Only need to ensure that the file is executable. Permissions will be change to 755 or 655 if needed. The change will occur within the archive file only - the original file will be unchanged. This should be run after all files have been added to the archive file. Args: archive_file: Archive file that is currently open and ready to be written to. """ for file_info in archive_file.filelist: current_perms = ( file_info.external_attr & self.ZIPFILE_PERMISSION_MASK ) >> 16 required_perm = 0o755 if current_perms & stat.S_IXUSR != 0 else 0o644 if current_perms != required_perm: LOGGER.debug( "fixing file permissions for %s: %o => %o", file_info.filename, current_perms, required_perm, ) file_info.external_attr = ( file_info.external_attr & ~self.ZIPFILE_PERMISSION_MASK ) | (required_perm << 16) def _build_zip_dependencies( self, archive_file: zipfile.ZipFile, ) -> None: """Handle installing & zipping dependencies. Args: archive_file: Archive file that is currently open and ready to be written to. """ self.project.install_dependencies() for dep in self.iterate_dependency_directory(): archive_file.write( dep, ( self.insert_layer_dir( dep, self.project.dependency_directory ).relative_to(self.project.dependency_directory) if self.usage_type == "layer" else dep.relative_to(self.project.dependency_directory) ), ) def _build_zip_source_code(self, archive_file: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None: """Handle zipping the project source code. Args: archive_file: Archive file that is currently open and ready to be written to. """ for src_file in self.project.source_code: archive_file.write( src_file, ( self.insert_layer_dir( src_file, self.project.source_code.root_directory ).relative_to(self.project.source_code.root_directory) if self.usage_type == "layer" else src_file.relative_to(self.project.source_code.root_directory) ), ) @overload def build_tag_set(self, *, url_encoded: Literal[True] = ...) -> str: ... @overload def build_tag_set(self, *, url_encoded: Literal[False] = ...) -> Dict[str, str]: ... @overload def build_tag_set( self, *, url_encoded: bool = ... ) -> Union[Dict[str, str], str]: ...
[docs] def build_tag_set(self, *, url_encoded: bool = True) -> Union[Dict[str, str], str]: """Build tag set to be applied to the S3 object. Args: layer: Tag the deployment package as a Lambda Layer or not. url_encoded: Whether to return a dict or URL encoded query string. """ optional_metadata = { self.META_TAGS["compatible_architectures"]: ( "+".join(self.project.compatible_architectures) if self.project.compatible_architectures else None ), self.META_TAGS["compatible_runtimes"]: ( "+".join(self.project.compatible_runtimes) if self.project.compatible_runtimes else None ), self.META_TAGS["license"]: self.project.license, } metadata = { self.META_TAGS["code_sha256"]: self.code_sha256, self.META_TAGS["md5_checksum"]: self.md5_checksum, self.META_TAGS["runtime"]: self.runtime, self.META_TAGS["source_code.hash"]: self.project.source_code.md5_hash, } tags = { **self.project.ctx.tags, **self.project.args.tags, **metadata, **{k: v for k, v in optional_metadata.items() if v}, } if url_encoded: return urlencode(tags) return tags
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Delete deployment package.""" if sys.version_info < (3, 8): # cov: ignore with suppress(FileNotFoundError): # acts the same as `missing_ok=true` self.archive_file.unlink() # python3.7 does not support `missing_ok` else: # cov: ignore self.archive_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) LOGGER.verbose("deleted local deployment package %s", self.archive_file) # clear cached properties so they can recalculate self._del_cached_property( "code_sha256", "exists", "md5_checksum", "object_version_id" )
[docs] @staticmethod def insert_layer_dir( file_path: Path, relative_to: Path # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Path: """Insert directory into local file path for layer archive. If required, this should be overridden by a subclass for language specific requirements. Args: file_path: Path to local file. relative_to: Path to a directory that the file_path will be relative to in the deployment package. """ return file_path
[docs] def iterate_dependency_directory(self) -> Iterator[Path]: """Iterate over the contents of the dependency directory. If ``gitignore_filter`` is set, it will be used to exclude files. """ for child in self.project.dependency_directory.rglob("*"): if child.is_dir(): continue # ignore directories if self.gitignore_filter and self.gitignore_filter.match(child): continue # ignore files that match the filter yield child
[docs] def upload(self, *, build: bool = True) -> None: """Upload deployment package. Args: build: If true, the deployment package will be built before before trying to upload it. If false, it must have already been built. """ if build: # we don't really need encoding - it can be NoneType so throw it away content_type, _content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(self.archive_file) "uploading deployment package %s...", self.bucket.format_bucket_path_uri(key=self.object_key), ) self._put_object_response = self.bucket.client.put_object( Body=self.archive_file.read_bytes(), Bucket=self.project.args.bucket_name, ContentMD5=self.md5_checksum, Key=self.object_key, Tagging=self.build_tag_set(), **{"ContentType": content_type} if content_type else {}, ) # clear cached properties so they can recalculate self._del_cached_property("object_version_id")
[docs] @classmethod def init( cls, project: _ProjectTypeVar, usage_type: Literal["function", "layer"] = "function", ) -> DeploymentPackage[_ProjectTypeVar]: """Initialize deployment package. This should be used in place of creating an instance of this class directly as it will automatically account for the S3 object already existing. Args: project: Project that is being built into a deployment package. usage_type: How the deployment package can be used by AWS Lambda. Returns: Instance of generic S3 object class if S3 object exists else an instance of this class. """ s3_obj = DeploymentPackageS3Object(project, usage_type) if s3_obj.exists: if s3_obj.runtime == project.runtime: return s3_obj LOGGER.warning( "runtime of deployment package found in S3 (%s) does not match " "requirement (%s); deleting & recreating...", s3_obj.runtime, project.runtime, ) s3_obj.delete() return cls(project, usage_type)
[docs]class DeploymentPackageS3Object(DeploymentPackage[_ProjectTypeVar]): """AWS Lambda Deployment Package. This should not need to be subclassed as the interactions required should be universal. Attributes: project: Project that is being built into a deployment package. """ @cached_property def code_sha256(self) -> str: """SHA256 of the archive file. Returns: Value to pass to CloudFormation ``AWS::Lambda::Version.CodeSha256``. Raises: RequiredTagNotFound: A required tag was not found. """ if self.META_TAGS["code_sha256"] not in self.object_tags: raise RequiredTagNotFoundError( self.bucket.format_bucket_path_uri(key=self.object_key), self.META_TAGS["code_sha256"], ) return self.object_tags[self.META_TAGS["code_sha256"]] @cached_property def compatible_architectures(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """List of compatible instruction set architectures.""" if self.META_TAGS["compatible_architectures"] in self.object_tags: return self.object_tags[self.META_TAGS["compatible_architectures"]].split( "+" ) return None @cached_property def compatible_runtimes(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """List of compatible runtimes.""" if self.META_TAGS["compatible_runtimes"] in self.object_tags: return self.object_tags[self.META_TAGS["compatible_runtimes"]].split("+") return None @cached_property def exists(self) -> bool: """Whether the S3 object exists.""" if self.head and not self.head.get("DeleteMarker", False): return True return False @cached_property def head(self) -> Optional[HeadObjectOutputTypeDef]: """Response from HeadObject API call.""" try: return self.bucket.client.head_object(, Key=self.object_key ) except self.bucket.client.exceptions.ClientError as exc: status_code = exc.response.get("ResponseMetadata", {}).get( "HTTPStatusCode", 0 ) if status_code == 404: LOGGER.verbose( "%s not found", self.bucket.format_bucket_path_uri(key=self.object_key), ) return None if status_code == 403: # we can't handle this error but, we can enhance the error message LOGGER.error( "access denied for object %s", self.bucket.format_bucket_path_uri(key=self.object_key), ) raise @cached_property def license(self) -> Optional[str]: """Software license for the project.""" if self.META_TAGS["license"] in self.object_tags: return self.object_tags[self.META_TAGS["license"]] return None @cached_property def md5_checksum(self) -> str: """MD5 of the archive file. Returns: Value to pass as ContentMD5 when uploading to AWS S3. Raises: RequiredTagNotFoundError: A required tag was not found. """ if self.META_TAGS["md5_checksum"] not in self.object_tags: raise RequiredTagNotFoundError( self.bucket.format_bucket_path_uri(key=self.object_key), self.META_TAGS["md5_checksum"], ) return self.object_tags[self.META_TAGS["md5_checksum"]] @cached_property def object_tags(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """S3 object tags.""" response = self.bucket.client.get_object_tagging(, Key=self.object_key ) if "TagSet" not in response: # can't be hit when using botocore.stub.Stubber as TagSet is required return {} # cov: ignore return {t["Key"]: t["Value"] for t in response["TagSet"]} @cached_property def object_version_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """S3 object version ID. Returns: The ID of the current object version. This will only have a value if versioning is enabled on the bucket. """ if not self.head or "VersionId" not in self.head: return None version_id = self.head["VersionId"] return version_id if version_id != "null" else None @cached_property def runtime(self) -> str: """Runtime of the deployment package. Raises: RequiredTagNotFoundError: A required tag was not found. """ if self.META_TAGS["runtime"] not in self.object_tags: raise RequiredTagNotFoundError( self.bucket.format_bucket_path_uri(key=self.object_key), self.META_TAGS["runtime"], ) return self.object_tags[self.META_TAGS["runtime"]]
[docs] def build(self) -> Path: """Build the deployment package. The object should already exist. This method only exists as a "placeholder" to match the parent class. If the object does not already exist, and error is raised. Raises: S3ObjectDoesNotExistError: The S3 object does not exist. """ if not self.exists: raise S3ObjectDoesNotExistError(, self.object_key)"build skipped; %s already exists", return self.archive_file
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Delete deployment package.""" if self.exists: self.bucket.client.delete_object(, Key=self.object_key ) LOGGER.verbose( "deleted deployment package S3 object %s", self.bucket.format_bucket_path_uri(key=self.object_key), ) # clear cached properties so they can recalculate self._del_cached_property( "code_sha256", "exists", "md5_checksum", "object_tags", "object_version_id", "runtime", )
[docs] def update_tags(self) -> None: """Update tags of the S3 object.""" new_tags = self.build_tag_set(url_encoded=False) if new_tags == self.object_tags: LOGGER.debug( "%s tags don't need to be updated", self.bucket.format_bucket_path_uri(key=self.object_key), ) return self.bucket.client.put_object_tagging(, Key=self.object_key, Tagging={"TagSet": [{"Key": k, "Value": v} for k, v in new_tags.items()]}, )"updated S3 object's tags")
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def upload(self, *, build: bool = True) -> None: """Upload deployment package. The object should already exist. This method only exists as a "placeholder" to match the parent class. If the object does not already exist, and error is raised. Args: build: If true, the deployment package will be built before before trying to upload it. If false, it must have already been built. Raises: S3ObjectDoesNotExistError: The S3 object does not exist. """ if not self.exists: raise S3ObjectDoesNotExistError(, self.object_key) "upload skipped; %s already exists", self.bucket.format_bucket_path_uri(key=self.object_key), ) self.update_tags()