Source code for runway.cfngin.hooks.awslambda._python_hooks

"""Hook for creating an AWS Lambda Function using Python runtime."""

# pylint errors are python3.7 only
# pylint: disable=inherit-non-class,no-value-for-parameter
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar

from ....compat import cached_property
from .base_classes import AwsLambdaHook
from .models.args import PythonHookArgs
from .python_requirements import PythonDeploymentPackage, PythonProject

    from ....context import CfnginContext
    from .base_classes import DeploymentPackage

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__.replace("._", "."))

[docs]class PythonFunction(AwsLambdaHook[PythonProject]): """Hook for creating an AWS Lambda Function using Python runtime.""" BUILD_LAYER: ClassVar[bool] = False """Flag to denote that this hook creates a Lambda Function deployment package.""" args: PythonHookArgs """Parsed hook arguments."""
[docs] def __init__(self, context: CfnginContext, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Instantiate class.""" super().__init__(context) self.args = PythonHookArgs.parse_obj(kwargs)
@cached_property def deployment_package(self) -> DeploymentPackage[PythonProject]: """AWS Lambda deployment package.""" return PythonDeploymentPackage.init( self.project, "layer" if self.BUILD_LAYER else "function" ) @cached_property def project(self) -> PythonProject: """Project being deployed as an AWS Lambda Function.""" return PythonProject(self.args, self.ctx)
[docs] def cleanup(self) -> None: """Cleanup after execution.""" self.project.cleanup()
[docs] def cleanup_on_error(self) -> None: """Cleanup after an error has occurred.""" self.deployment_package.delete() self.project.cleanup_on_error()
[docs] def pre_deploy(self) -> Any: """Run during the **pre_deploy** stage.""" try: self.deployment_package.upload() return self.build_response("deploy").dict(by_alias=True) except BaseException: self.cleanup_on_error() raise finally: self.cleanup()
[docs]class PythonLayer(PythonFunction): """Hook for creating an AWS Lambda Layer using Python runtime.""" BUILD_LAYER: ClassVar[bool] = True """Flag to denote that this hook creates a Lambda Layer deployment package."""