Source code for runway.cfngin.blueprints.type_defs

"""CFNgin Blueprint type definitions."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Callable, List

from typing_extensions import TypedDict

class _RequiredBlueprintVariableTypeDef(TypedDict, total=False):
    """Type definition for runway.cfngin.blueprints.base.Blueprint.VARIABLES items."""

    type: Any

class _OptionalBlueprintVariableTypeDef(TypedDict, total=False):
    """Type definition for runway.cfngin.blueprints.base.Blueprint.VARIABLES items."""

    allowed_pattern: str
    allowed_values: List[Any]
    constraint_description: str
    default: Any
    description: str
    max_length: int
    max_value: int
    min_length: int
    min_value: int
    no_echo: bool
    validator: Callable[[Any], Any]

[docs]class BlueprintVariableTypeDef( _RequiredBlueprintVariableTypeDef, _OptionalBlueprintVariableTypeDef ): """Type definition for :attr:`runway.cfngin.blueprints.base.Blueprint.VARIABLES` items. Attributes: allowed_pattern: Only valid for variables whose type subclasses :class:`~runway.cfngin.blueprints.variables.types.CFNType`. A regular expression that represents the patterns you want to allow for the Cloudformation Parameter. allowed_values: Only valid for variables whose type subclasses :class:`~runway.cfngin.blueprints.variables.types.CFNType`. The values that should be allowed for the CloudFormation Parameter. constraint_description: Only valid for variables whose type subclasses :class:`~runway.cfngin.blueprints.variables.types.CFNType`. A string that explains the constraint when the constraint is violated for the CloudFormation Parameter. default: The default value that should be used for the variable if none is provided in the config. description: A string that describes the purpose of the variable. max_length: Only valid for variables whose type subclasses :class:`~runway.cfngin.blueprints.variables.types.CFNType`. The maximum length of the value for the CloudFormation Parameter. max_value: Only valid for variables whose type subclasses :class:`~runway.cfngin.blueprints.variables.types.CFNType`. The max value for the CloudFormation Parameter. min_length: Only valid for variables whose type subclasses :class:`~runway.cfngin.blueprints.variables.types.CFNType`. The minimum length of the value for the CloudFormation Parameter. min_value: Only valid for variables whose type subclasses :class:`~runway.cfngin.blueprints.variables.types.CFNType`. The minimum value for the CloudFormation Parameter. no_echo: Only valid for variables whose type subclasses :class:`~runway.cfngin.blueprints.variables.types.CFNType`. Whether to mask the parameter value whenever anyone makes a call that describes the stack. If you set the value to true, the parameter value is masked with asterisks (*****). type: The type for the variable value. This can either be a native python type or one of the CFNgin variable types. validator: An optional function that can do custom validation of the variable. A validator function should take a single argument, the value being validated, and should return the value if validation is successful. If there is an issue validating the value, an exception (``ValueError``, ``TypeError``, etc) should be raised by the function. """ # noqa