Source code for runway.cfngin.actions.deploy

"""CFNgin deploy action."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from typing_extensions import Literal

from ..exceptions import (
from ..hooks.utils import handle_hooks as _handle_hooks
from ..plan import Graph, Plan, Step
from ..providers.base import Template
from ..status import (
from .base import STACK_POLL_TIME, BaseAction, build_walker

    from mypy_boto3_cloudformation.type_defs import ParameterTypeDef, StackTypeDef

    from ...config.models.cfngin import CfnginHookDefinitionModel
    from ...context import CfnginContext
    from import TagTypeDef
    from ..blueprints.base import Blueprint
    from import Provider
    from ..stack import Stack
    from ..status import Status

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DESTROYED_STATUS = CompleteStatus("stack destroyed")
DESTROYING_STATUS = SubmittedStatus("submitted for destruction")

[docs]def build_stack_tags(stack: Stack) -> List[TagTypeDef]: """Build a common set of tags to attach to a stack.""" return [{"Key": t[0], "Value": t[1]} for t in stack.tags.items()]
[docs]def should_update(stack: Stack) -> bool: """Test whether a stack should be submitted for updates to CloudFormation. Args: stack: The stack object to check. """ if stack.locked: if not stack.force: LOGGER.debug( "%s:locked and not in --force list; refusing to update", ) return False LOGGER.debug("%s:locked but is in --force list", return True
[docs]def should_submit(stack: Stack) -> bool: """Test whether a stack should be submitted to CF for update/create. Args: stack: The stack object to check. """ if stack.enabled: return True LOGGER.debug("%s:skipped; stack is not enabled", return False
[docs]def should_ensure_cfn_bucket(outline: bool, dump: bool) -> bool: """Test whether access to the cloudformation template bucket is required. Args: outline: The outline action. dump: The dump action. Returns: If access to CF bucket is needed, return True. """ return not outline and not dump
def _resolve_parameters( parameters: Dict[str, Any], blueprint: Blueprint ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Resolve CloudFormation Parameters for a given blueprint. Given a list of parameters, handles: - discard any parameters that the blueprint does not use - discard any empty values - convert booleans to strings suitable for CloudFormation Args: parameters: A dictionary of parameters provided by the stack definition. blueprint: A Blueprint object that is having the parameters applied to it. Returns: The resolved parameters. """ params: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, value in parameters.items(): if key not in blueprint.parameter_definitions: LOGGER.debug("blueprint %s does not use parameter %s",, key) continue if value is None: LOGGER.debug( "got NoneType value for parameter %s; not submitting it " "to cloudformation, default value should be used", key, ) continue if isinstance(value, bool): LOGGER.debug('converting parameter %s boolean "%s" to string', key, value) value = str(value).lower() params[key] = value return params
[docs]class UsePreviousParameterValue: """Class used to indicate a Parameter should use it's existing value."""
def _handle_missing_parameters( parameter_values: Dict[str, Any], all_params: List[str], required_params: List[str], existing_stack: Optional[StackTypeDef] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]: """Handle any missing parameters. If an existing_stack is provided, look up missing parameters there. Args: parameter_values: key/value dictionary of stack definition parameters. all_params: A list of all the parameters used by the template/blueprint. required_params: A list of all the parameters required by the template/blueprint. existing_stack: A dict representation of the stack. If provided, will be searched for any missing parameters. Returns: The final list of key/value pairs returned as a list of tuples. Raises: MissingParameterException: Raised if a required parameter is still missing. """ missing_params = list(set(all_params) - set(parameter_values.keys())) if existing_stack and "Parameters" in existing_stack: stack_parameters = [ param["ParameterKey"] for param in existing_stack["Parameters"] if "ParameterKey" in param ] for param in missing_params: if param in stack_parameters: LOGGER.debug( "using previous value for parameter %s from existing stack", param ) parameter_values[param] = UsePreviousParameterValue final_missing = list(set(required_params) - set(parameter_values.keys())) if final_missing: raise MissingParameterException(final_missing) return list(parameter_values.items())
[docs]def handle_hooks( stage: Literal["post_deploy", "pre_deploy"], hooks: List[CfnginHookDefinitionModel], provider: Provider, context: CfnginContext, *, dump: Union[bool, str] = False, outline: bool = False, ) -> None: """Handle pre/post hooks. Args: stage: The name of the hook stage - pre_deploy/post_deploy. hooks: A list of dictionaries containing the hooks to execute. provider: The provider the current stack is using. context: The current CFNgin context. dump: Whether running with dump set or not. outline: Whether running with outline set or not. """ if not outline and not dump and hooks: _handle_hooks(stage=stage, hooks=hooks, provider=provider, context=context)
[docs]class Action(BaseAction): """Responsible for building & deploying CloudFormation stacks. Generates the deploy plan based on stack dependencies (these dependencies are determined automatically based on output lookups from other stacks). The plan can then either be printed out as an outline or executed. If executed, each stack will get launched in order which entails: - Pushing the generated CloudFormation template to S3 if it has changed - Submitting either a create or update of the given stack to the :class:`runway.cfngin.providers.base.BaseProvider`. Attributes: upload_explicitly_disabled: Explicitly disable uploading rendered templates to S3. """ DESCRIPTION = "Create/Update stacks" NAME = "deploy" upload_explicitly_disabled: bool = False @property def upload_disabled(self) -> bool: """Whether the CloudFormation template should be uploaded to S3.""" if self.upload_explicitly_disabled: return True if not self.bucket_name: return True return False @upload_disabled.setter def upload_disabled(self, value: bool) -> None: """Set the value of upload_disabled. Raises: CfnginBucketRequired: Attempted to explicitly enable upload but cfngin_bucket not defined. """ if not value and not self.bucket_name: raise CfnginBucketRequired( config_path=self.context.config_path, reason="upload_disabled explicitly set to False", ) self.upload_explicitly_disabled = value
[docs] @staticmethod def build_parameters( stack: Stack, provider_stack: Optional[StackTypeDef] = None ) -> List[ParameterTypeDef]: """Build the CloudFormation Parameters for our stack. Args: stack: A CFNgin stack. provider_stack: An optional CFNgin provider object. Returns: The parameters for the given stack """ resolved = _resolve_parameters(stack.parameter_values, stack.blueprint) required_parameters = list(stack.required_parameter_definitions) all_parameters = list(stack.all_parameter_definitions) parameters = _handle_missing_parameters( resolved, all_parameters, required_parameters, provider_stack ) param_list: List[ParameterTypeDef] = [] for key, value in parameters: param_dict: ParameterTypeDef = {"ParameterKey": key} if value is UsePreviousParameterValue: param_dict["UsePreviousValue"] = True else: param_dict["ParameterValue"] = str(value) param_list.append(param_dict) return param_list
def _destroy_stack( self, stack: Stack, *, status: Optional[Status] = None, **_: Any ) -> Status: """Delete a CloudFormation stack. Used to remove stacks that exist in the persistent graph but not have been removed from the "local" graph. Args: stack: Stack to be deleted. status: The Stack's status represented by a CFNgin status object. """ wait_time = 0 if status is PENDING else STACK_POLL_TIME if self.cancel.wait(wait_time): return INTERRUPTED provider = self.build_provider() try: stack_data = provider.get_stack(stack.fqn) except StackDoesNotExist: LOGGER.debug("%s:stack does not exist", stack.fqn) if status == SUBMITTED: return DESTROYED_STATUS return DoesNotExistInCloudFormation() LOGGER.debug( "%s:provider status: %s", provider.get_stack_name(stack_data), provider.get_stack_status(stack_data), ) try: if provider.is_stack_being_destroyed(stack_data): return DESTROYING_STATUS if provider.is_stack_destroyed(stack_data): return DESTROYED_STATUS wait = stack.in_progress_behavior == "wait" if wait and provider.is_stack_in_progress(stack_data): return WAITING if provider.is_stack_destroy_possible(stack_data): LOGGER.debug("%s:destroying stack", stack.fqn) provider.destroy_stack(stack_data, action="deploy") return DESTROYING_STATUS LOGGER.critical( "%s: %s", stack.fqn, provider.get_delete_failed_status_reason(stack.fqn) ) return FailedStatus(provider.get_stack_status_reason(stack_data)) except CancelExecution: return SkippedStatus(reason="canceled execution") # TODO refactor long if, elif, else block # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-statements def _launch_stack(self, stack: Stack, *, status: Status, **_: Any) -> Status: """Handle the creating or updating of a stack in CloudFormation. Also makes sure that we don't try to create or update a stack while it is already updating or creating. Args: stack: Stack to be launched. status: The Stack's status represented by a CFNgin status object. """ wait_time = 0 if status is PENDING else STACK_POLL_TIME if self.cancel.wait(wait_time): return INTERRUPTED if not should_submit(stack): return NotSubmittedStatus() provider = self.build_provider() try: provider_stack = provider.get_stack(stack.fqn) except StackDoesNotExist: provider_stack = None if provider_stack and not should_update(stack): stack.set_outputs(self.provider.get_output_dict(provider_stack)) return NotUpdatedStatus() recreate = False if provider_stack and status == SUBMITTED: LOGGER.debug( "%s:provider status: %s", stack.fqn, provider.get_stack_status(provider_stack), ) if provider.is_stack_rolling_back( # pylint: disable=no-else-return provider_stack ): if status.reason and "rolling back" in status.reason: return status LOGGER.debug("%s:entered roll back", stack.fqn) if status.reason and "updating" in status.reason: reason = "rolling back update" else: reason = "rolling back new stack" return SubmittedStatus(reason) elif provider.is_stack_in_progress(provider_stack): LOGGER.debug("%s:in progress", stack.fqn) return status elif provider.is_stack_destroyed(provider_stack): LOGGER.debug("%s:finished deleting", stack.fqn) recreate = True # Continue with creation afterwards # Failure must be checked *before* completion, as both will be true # when completing a rollback, and we don't want to consider it as # a successful update. elif provider.is_stack_failed(provider_stack): reason = status.reason if reason and "rolling" in reason: reason = reason.replace("rolling", "rolled") status_reason = provider.get_rollback_status_reason(stack.fqn)"%s:roll back reason: %s", stack.fqn, status_reason) return FailedStatus(reason) elif provider.is_stack_completed(provider_stack): stack.set_outputs(provider.get_output_dict(provider_stack)) return CompleteStatus(status.reason) else: return status LOGGER.debug("%s:resolving stack", stack.fqn) stack.resolve(self.context, self.provider) LOGGER.debug("%s:launching stack now", stack.fqn) template = self._template(stack.blueprint) stack_policy = self._stack_policy(stack) tags = build_stack_tags(stack) parameters = self.build_parameters(stack, provider_stack) force_change_set = stack.blueprint.requires_change_set if recreate: LOGGER.debug("%s:re-creating stack", stack.fqn) provider.create_stack( stack.fqn, template, parameters, tags, stack_policy=stack_policy, termination_protection=stack.termination_protection, timeout=stack.definition.timeout, ) return SubmittedStatus("re-creating stack") if not provider_stack: LOGGER.debug("%s:creating new stack", stack.fqn) provider.create_stack( stack.fqn, template, parameters, tags, force_change_set=force_change_set, stack_policy=stack_policy, termination_protection=stack.termination_protection, timeout=stack.definition.timeout, ) return SubmittedStatus("creating new stack") try: wait = stack.in_progress_behavior == "wait" if wait and provider.is_stack_in_progress(provider_stack): return WAITING if provider.prepare_stack_for_update(provider_stack, tags): existing_params = provider_stack.get("Parameters", []) provider.update_stack( stack.fqn, template, existing_params, parameters, tags, force_interactive=stack.protected, force_change_set=force_change_set, stack_policy=stack_policy, termination_protection=stack.termination_protection, ) LOGGER.debug("%s:updating existing stack", stack.fqn) return SubmittedStatus("updating existing stack") return SubmittedStatus("destroying stack for re-creation") except CancelExecution: stack.set_outputs(provider.get_output_dict(provider_stack)) return SkippedStatus(reason="canceled execution") except StackDidNotChange: stack.set_outputs(provider.get_output_dict(provider_stack)) return DidNotChangeStatus() @property def _stack_action(self) -> Callable[..., Status]: """Run against a step.""" return self._launch_stack def _template(self, blueprint: Blueprint) -> Template: """Generate a template based on whether or not an S3 bucket is set. If an S3 bucket is set, then the template will be uploaded to S3 first, and CreateStack/UpdateStack operations will use the uploaded template. If not bucket is set, then the template will be inlined. """ if self.upload_disabled: return Template(body=blueprint.rendered) return Template(url=self.s3_stack_push(blueprint)) @staticmethod def _stack_policy(stack: Stack) -> Optional[Template]: """Return a Template object for the stacks stack policy.""" return Template(body=stack.stack_policy) if stack.stack_policy else None def __generate_plan(self, tail: bool = False) -> Plan: """Plan creation that is specific to the build action. If a persistent graph is used, stacks that exist in the persistent graph but are no longer in the "local" graph will be deleted. If not using a persistent graph. the default method for creating a plan is used. Args: tail: Whether to tail the stack progress. """ if not self.context.persistent_graph: return self._generate_plan(tail) graph = Graph() config_stack_names = [ for stack in self.context.stacks] inverse_steps: List[Step] = [] persist_graph = self.context.persistent_graph.transposed() for ind_node, dep_nodes in persist_graph.dag.graph.items(): if ind_node not in config_stack_names: inverse_steps.append( Step.from_stack_name( ind_node, self.context, requires=list(dep_nodes), fn=self._destroy_stack, watch_func=(self._tail_stack if tail else None), ) ) graph.add_steps(inverse_steps) # invert what is going to be destroyed to retain dependencies graph = graph.transposed() steps = [ Step( stack, fn=self._launch_stack, watch_func=(self._tail_stack if tail else None), ) for stack in self.context.stacks ] graph.add_steps(steps) return Plan(context=self.context, description=self.DESCRIPTION, graph=graph)
[docs] def pre_run( self, *, dump: Union[bool, str] = False, outline: bool = False, **_: Any ) -> None: """Any steps that need to be taken prior to running the action.""" if should_ensure_cfn_bucket(outline, bool(dump)): self.ensure_cfn_bucket() handle_hooks( "pre_deploy", self.context.config.pre_deploy, self.provider, self.context, dump=bool(dump), outline=outline, )
[docs] def run( self, *, concurrency: int = 0, dump: Union[bool, str] = False, force: bool = False, # pylint: disable=unused-argument outline: bool = False, tail: bool = False, upload_disabled: bool = False, **_kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Kicks off the create/update of the stacks in the stack_definitions. This is the main entry point for the action. Args: concurrency: The maximum number of concurrent deployments. dump: Dump the plan rather than execute it. force: Not used by this action. outline: Outline the plan rather than execute it. tail: Tail the stack's events. upload_disabled: Whether to explicitly disable uploading the CloudFormation template to S3. """ if upload_disabled: self.upload_disabled = upload_disabled plan = self.__generate_plan(tail=tail) if not plan.keys(): LOGGER.warning("no stacks detected (error in config?)") if not outline and not dump: plan.outline(logging.DEBUG) self.context.lock_persistent_graph(plan.lock_code) LOGGER.debug("launching stacks: %s", ", ".join(plan.keys())) walker = build_walker(concurrency) try: plan.execute(walker) finally: # always unlock the graph at the end self.context.unlock_persistent_graph(plan.lock_code) if outline: plan.outline() if isinstance(dump, str): plan.dump(directory=dump, context=self.context, provider=self.provider)
[docs] def post_run( self, *, dump: Union[bool, str] = False, outline: bool = False, **_: Any ) -> None: """Any steps that need to be taken after running the action.""" handle_hooks( "post_deploy", self.context.config.post_deploy, self.provider, self.context, dump=bool(dump), outline=outline, )