runway.cfngin.actions.graph module

CFNgin graph action.

runway.cfngin.actions.graph.each_step(graph: Graph) Iterable[Tuple[Step, List[Step]]][source]

Yield each step and it’s direct dependencies.


graph – Graph to iterate over.

runway.cfngin.actions.graph.dot_format(out: TextIO, graph: Graph, name: str = 'digraph') None[source]

Output a graph using the graphviz “dot” format.

  • out – Where output will be written.

  • graph – Graph to be output.

  • name – Name of the graph.

runway.cfngin.actions.graph.json_format(out: TextIO, graph: Graph) None[source]

Output the graph in a machine readable JSON format.

  • out – Where output will be written.

  • graph – Graph to be output.

class runway.cfngin.actions.graph.Action[source]

Bases: runway.cfngin.actions.base.BaseAction

Responsible for outputting a graph for the current CFNgin config.

run(*, concurrency: int = 0, dump: Union[bool, str] = False, force: bool = False, outline: bool = False, tail: bool = False, upload_disabled: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Generate the underlying graph and prints it.

__init__(context: CfnginContext, provider_builder: Optional[ProviderBuilder] = None, cancel: Optional[threading.Event] = None)

Instantiate class.

  • context – The context for the current run.

  • provider_builder – An object that will build a provider that will be interacted with in order to perform the necessary actions.

  • cancel – Cancel handler.

build_provider() Provider

Build a CFNgin provider.

ensure_cfn_bucket() None

CloudFormation bucket where templates will be stored.

execute(**kwargs: Any) None

Run the action with pre and post steps.

post_run(*, dump: Union[bool, str] = False, outline: bool = False, **_BaseAction__kwargs: Any) None

Perform steps after running the action.

pre_run(*, dump: Union[bool, str] = False, outline: bool = False, **_BaseAction__kwargs: Any) None

Perform steps before running the action.

property provider: Provider

Return a generic provider using the default region.

Used for running things like hooks.

s3_stack_push(blueprint: Blueprint, force: bool = False) str

Push the rendered blueprint’s template to S3.

Verifies that the template doesn’t already exist in S3 before pushing.


URL to the template in S3.

stack_template_url(blueprint: Blueprint) str

S3 URL for CloudFormation template object.