
Cargoplane consists of a cloud package and a client package, which must be used together in a solution.

This Cargoplane client package is used in your web application.


npm i @cargoplane/client aws-iot-device-sdk rxjs

Install with Angular

If integrating with Angular, some changes are needed to make the aws-iot package, which is intended for a Node.js environment, to work in a browser.

npm i @angular-builders/custom-webpack --save-dev

Add the file ./webpack-custom.config.ts to the project’s root folder with the following:

module.exports = {
  node: {
    fs: 'empty',
    tls: 'empty',
    path: 'empty'

Similarly, if you use the default Karma unit test running, add the following in karma.conf.js as another property passed to config.set:

webpack: {
  node: {
    fs: 'empty',
    tls: 'empty',
    path: 'empty'

See also AWS Javascript SDK with Angular for other possible changes that may be needed.

CargoplaneClient class

The CargeplaneClient client is your API to integrate with Cargoplane. It must be used as a singleton. (If you have dependency injection, use that.)

Please see the demos for examples to follow.


Connects/reconnects to Cargoplane Cloud with the given credentials.

connect(credential: CargoplaneCredential, emitEventMsBeforeExpiration?: number): Observable<Event>

The credential must be retrieved from the companion Lambda in the cloud package calling CargoplaneCloud#createCredentials.

connect will return a stream of Events about the connection. Check the Event type field for what happened. Unless otherwise stated, Cargoplane will log these events and manage them automatically.

  • type === 'connected': Connection has completed.
  • type === 'disconnected': Connection has been dropped.
  • type === 'offline': Network is offline.
  • type === 'expiring': The current credentials are expiring (or has already). Use this to trigger your application to obtain new credentials to call connect with again. Subscriptions are automatically re-applied upon reconnect. You can control how early the expiration warning comes by optionally passing in a value for emitEventMsBeforeExpiration. The default is one minute.
  • type === 'clock-resume': If the computer sleeps or the browser tab is suspended, this will be emitted when processing resumes. Messages may have been lost while suspended - you may need to take action to account for this. If the credentials expired during the suspension, a separate expiring event will follow this.
  • type === 'error': There was an error with the connection. (Cargoplane will try to reconnect if needed.)


Disconnect and clear all subscriptions. (Ex: upon user logout)

disconnect(): void


Is the service currently connected to the cloud?

If network access is lost, it will automatically attempt to reconnect when network access is restored provided that the credentials have not expired.

isOnline(): boolean


Obtain an RxJs Observable of a topic.

This call will automatically subscribe to the topic if this is the first request to observe it.

observe(topic: string): Observable<any>


Publish a message to a topic.

publish(topic: string, message?: any): void